The milky glowy crystal has a pearlescent shine which makes it look similar to the moon. When we find ourselves stressed out or stuck in debilitating fear consciousness, we have to find a way to get out of head and quick! Selenite Bracelet, Selenite Bead Bracelet for Energy. They reflect our personality and our interests, so Everyones been given safe, sensible financial advice at some point in their lives. In addition to wearing the stone, carrying a Selenite stone in your purse or pocket allows you to carry your very own energetic purifier with you. When worn as an accessory, Selenite crystals can help remove blockages in your body. Selenite Crystal Meaning: Benefits, Types & How To Use It //]]>, by It ought not to matter who was right or who won any disputes. Even if they cant explain how or why theyve become so intrigued by you. Selenite is full of divine feminine energy. Kyanite can be used to protect against geopathic stress, electromagnetic pollution, environmental toxins and dangerous pathogens. Selenite is the highest vibration stone that will allow you to think without confusion and open all the blocked doors in your mind. has been designed to be the definitive resource for all things related to crystals. Because this stone is so versatile, it doesnt matter if you happen to wear it, accessorize with it or decorate your home with ornaments featuring it. The healing selenite properties also aid in creating the perfect meditation environment. 6 Best Crystals for the Bedroom - CRYSTALS.COM As she notes, "It's great to keep a deep energy cleanser like selenitethe crystal of 'liquid light'under your bed or pillow for restful sleep and sweet dreams.". Selenite aligns with the Crown Chakra, which influences positive thinking and allows the user to think rationally. These stones can assist you with reaching your spiritual goals and manifesting your desires in life. Placing the healing selenite on the heart chakra or rubbing the crystal around the energy points unties the knots and the energy blockage in the body. When youre experiencing mental confusion, place a Selenite on top of your head, and everything will immediately start making sense. Our online classes and training programs allow you to learn from experts from anywhere in the world. It takes the form of a rosette and can have tan, brown, white, or cream color. But of all the crystals available, few are better for clearing energy than selenite. Likewise, fresh pure water is a good way of washing your Selenite, both physically as much as energetically and esoterically. At the Village Rock Shop, we have a wide variety of handcrafted selenite jewelry. It is known as one of the few crystals that can cleanse and recharge not only itself but other stones. Selenite is actually popular for charging and clearing other crystals, making it a particularly special stone. Selenite is found in Mexico, Morocco, the United States and many other places around the globe. Because of its soft nature, it was used in the manufacture of vases that hardened when fired in a kiln at low temperatures. Next time you sit for meditation, hold a piece of selenite in your hand, or on the top of your head. Once the blockages in your energies are removed, men will start to see you for the incredible woman that you are and entertain more romantic thoughts about you. It will lift you up to a higher level of awareness and help you become the best lover, partner, and friend that you can ever be! Selenite can also be used in cleansing and purification 5 benefits of Selenite bracelet: Selenite is a powerful cleansing crystal, and it can help clear away negative energy and psychic debris. . Selenite from sedimentary deposits is commonly found embedded in Limestone. The Blue Quartz crystal presents many interesting metaphysical and healing powers. Selenite crystal stones are associated with spirituality, spirituality, and inner energy. Selenite Bracelet for Divine Connections and Balance - The Crystal Garden 8 Best Crystal Bracelets For Women: Benefits, Meaning & More But do not worry if this ability does not come right away! It will make you feel hopeful and strong, even when things dont always work out. is a powerful room cleanser. "I would not use them for massage or direct contact with the skin that wayit's much better to use them more energetically," she says, adding, "Even the cut, polished, and shaped wands can be used the same way as the rough blade or stick, to sweep energy from the aura or energy field.". This makes it useful for crystals new to you, as well as those that you have been working with for some time. [CDATA[ This ad is displayed using third party content and we do not control its accessibility features. This will help to energetically align your vertebrae and the chakras simultaneously. Its energies can also be used to encourage universal law in your everyday life by eliminating negative karma. The feeling of relaxation and serenity this stone provides you with will be complemented by a keen sense of mental sharpness and agility. Add pieces of selenite to the windowsills in every room of your home for a protective boost, she suggests. When it comes to receiving clarity and inner strength, Selenite stones can assist you with all of these things when you use them regularly. Clear or white selenite crystal is also considered the master healer, which can accelerate the emotional balance, enhance concentration, and help in improving the immune system. SELENITE NECKLACE - Healing Crystal Shop Online AAA+ Selenite Bracelet 8mm Round Beads. Copyright 2023 Village Rock Shop. Blue Quartz Meaning and Benefits | Conscious Items As you relax your breathing, allow yourself to let go. Transmit the healing power of these powerful stones to your body and put these crystals on the spine or back. First, lets get to know what selenite is and the meaning behind this crystal: Selenite is a clear or translucent gypsum crystal named after the Greek goddess of moon Selene by ancient Greeks. Moreover, it can help bring harmony to the daily routine, which will eventually lead you to live a good, better, and improved life. By becoming aware of the energy of Selenite, we can begin to feel our worries and thoughts fade away. It also stimulates mental clarity, promoting creative thought processes, problem-solving skills and insights. Selenite will work to clear your confusion and assist you in seeing the bigger picture. As Leavy notes, "We see this when it's cut into specific shapes or formations, like charging plates or bowls." This can help improve your chances of getting pregnant. These highest vibration crystals use their strong vibrations to suck up the unease, nervousness, stress, and anxiety from the body. Selenite and satin spar are both varieties of gypsum minerals. vibrates at a very high frequency. Share This Post. You will adopt a more logical and rational approach to moments of disquiet and disharmony. Its extremely high vibration floods your energy field with the highest vibrations of light, uplifting your spirit and guiding you to an elevated state of being. Add to cart Supercharged Sage Cleansing Set. Like when properly using Amazonite, you can also use Selenite for angel guidance, and to work with your spirit guides! And even though Selenite is a feminine stone, the same holds true for men using it. Everything that you want to happen in your romantic life can be made possible by tapping into its energies. And they can also magnify the energies of anything that is placed on top of them, making them a powerful energy amplifier of your other healing crystals. Selenite works by example. The negative energies surrounding you and your partner will be cleansed with its energies. It has the unique property of fluorescing under ultraviolet light. Sunlight often overpowers this soft, fragile stone when we want to recharge this crystals spiritual power. Miracle Maker Bracelet Set | Shop Crystal Bracelets at Energy Muse Selenite is one of the most important tools in any energy worker or crystal lovers arsenal. //7 Spiritual Benefits of Selenite Amanda Linette Meder Selenite is a very sensitive stone. It connects with the third eye chakra to allow self-reflection and improves visual perception. And it will make you feel grateful and blessed that you have a love so strong and true. Clearing and charging other stones. One of our favorite places to put Selenite is on the windowsill so it can catch the light from outside, but placing it anywhere prominent in your home will ensure that it can uplift the energy of the space and keep your home a high vibe sanctuary. This beautiful blue stone possesses powerful protection properties which work on all levels; physical, emotional and spiritual. Healing bracelets (sometimes referred to as "energy bracelets") play an important role in alternative medicine. You might have already read in several guides to use water or sun to cleanse or charge the selenite crystals. Your selenite necklace work to constantly purify your energy, clearing away any negative or low vibrational energy that may arise internally or externally. Om Symbol Etched Selenite Charging Plates. Get 10 minutes with a psychic for $1.99 Thinking About Trying Keen? Its one of the most recommended stones for both energy healers and crystal collectors because of its insight and peaceful energy. "You can hold a piece in your dominant hand and comb through by holding it perpendicular to your spine," she explains, noting to start at your head and work your way down toward your feet on all sides of your body. Since it helps to clear energy, incorporating this crystal into your practices and rituals can help you clear your mind. Selenite crystal comes in different shapes and varieties like a wand, tower, stick, plate, sphere, point, stone, beads, slabs, ball, etc. Moldavite healing crystal therapies include slowing the aging process, awakening latent memories . Strengthening willpower, enlightenment, and wisdom. Couples should consider matching pieces of jewelry that contain the stone. You see, these stones hold a calm and clear essence about them, which is a reflection of the headspace one needs when attempting to enter a sleep state. The insights provided by Selenite will help you to recognize and understand exactly who you ought to trust when moving your work ambitions forward. If youve been searching for love but havent had much luck finding one that lasts, Selenite crystals can help you. Since 2012 has been the fastest growing collection expert articles, media and information on the powers of crystals and their meanings. When working with Selenite for plugging into the light, use the following crystal intention: I am filled with the highest vibrations of love and light.. In this way, Selenite can be used as a protective stone to shield you from darker energy. If yes, or no, how worth it is it to argue about it? So Selenites can work like a broom on your aura by helping you cleanse your energies and feelings. You dont need to worry about filling your already busy day with lots of complicated cleansing work. It can also help to promote clarity of thought and aid in meditation. Healing Crystals was founded in 2003 with the goal of providing affordable and quality crystals worldwide. As a result, you can achieve spiritual enlightenment, too. Gypsum rose, sand rose, or desert rose is a type of selenite made from sand, water, and air. Its also believed that they can restructure and regenerate cells. Energy healers believe that Selenite can reverse the effects of "free radicals" and can heal and regenerate on the cellular level. 2 Selenite Benefits 2.1 High Vibes 2.2 Clears & Cleanses Energy 2.3 Protection 2.4 Healing 2.5 Meditation & Spiritual Work 2.6 Chakras 3 Types Of Selenite And Their Meaning 3.1 Desert Rose Selenite 3.2 Orange Selenite 4 Crystals Selenite Harmonizes With 5 How To Meditate With Selenite 6 How To Cleanse And Charge Selenite The more you cleanse it, the more negative energies you will remove. It will ultimately offer you a sense of balance in your life if you use it regularly. That way, you'll know how, when, and why to use this beautiful crystal. History & Lore Some of its healing attributes include: While wearing Selenite jewelry, you allow the crystals to touch your skin and perform a faster transfer of healing vibrations. Miracles Optimism Stress Relief. Add to cart. Another place Selenite is commonly found is within gypsum deposits that have formed from hot spring water; it can also form within lake deposits. Along with clearing the energy in your body, Leavy says, selenite can also be used for clearing the energy of physical spaces, like your home. They are a high vibration crystal with a powerful energy to assist your healing. Selenite is a powerful yet gentle healer. Ask yourself will this matter five years from now? Including negative thoughts, negative memories, mental blockages, and even help against insomnia. It will break down the walls and make you believe in the beauty of love. Selenite necklace crystal is an angelic crystal that brings serenity and peace to your life. And if you love someone but cannot seem to get past the friend zone, Selenite can help shift the romantic energies surrounding the both of you. While the name selenite originally referred to the transparent variety, nowadays, it can also refer to the striated, fibrous version called satin spar (which is also a variety of gypsum). Selenite can be used in combination with just about any crystal, gemstone or mineral and will enhance the effects of this stone. Also known as satin spar gypsum, Selenite has shed a light on the origins of life on Earth. This Metaphysical Crystals item is sold by TheUniverseReflected. You can also place a Selenite crystal stone over your chest to breathe deeper and raise your energetic vibration. On the other hand, Black tourmaline is known for its protective properties. Mental uses: Selenite brings mental clarity and helps you maintain focus. Luckily though, this is not manipulative or affecting any notions of free will. The clear variety is found in sedimentary deposits all over the world. Sitemap. Selenite crystals are found most commonly in sedimentary deposits, however, they can be found in igneous rocks too. It connects with the third eye chakra to allow self-reflection and improves visual perception. Selenite will make love happen by removing all your old and outdated notions about the perfect partner and the right kind of love. It is also found alongside gypsum, vesicles, and speleothems; all of these minerals are formed from various types of solutions and water. Many carry a Selenite Nugget in their pocket or wear a Selenite Pendant or necklace to help keep anxiety at bay. About Blue Quartz Crystals The larger category of Blue Quartz actually . It helps in understanding what you need and what you want to remove from your life. Benefits of Wearing Selenite Bracelets This mystical crystal radiates with universal protection and beneficial spiritual vibrations. To complete your crystal practice, place a Selenite crystal or selenite tower in your space. Just allow the energies of Selenite to clean your aura. Spiritual Crystals KitThese real crystals and healing stones set include 7 Raw Chakra Stones, 7 Tumbled Gemstones, 1 Lava Bracelet, 1 Chakra Necklace, 1 Selenite Crystal Plate for Charging, 1 Reiki Grid, 1 Velvet Storage Bag, 1 Crystal Information Guide to help you understand the meaning and usage of all crystals. Benefits of Selenite Bowls . Note: Another powerful crystal that removes negative energies from the body, life, and surroundings is the healing blue calcite. It encourages us to be productive and energetic. Selenite is a must-have stone for crystal enthusiasts. But when you are fueled by the energies of Selenite, keeping a relationship going will no longer be a burden. Sodalite Meaning & Healing Properties | Energy Muse Terms of Service apply. But that is only the literal meaning of Selenite there exist important spiritual meanings, too. But it doesnt matter how many Selenite crystals you have on your body or in your purse. This means you get to utilize numerous helpful selenite properties however you want to. Selenes ethereal energy is embedded in this soft and powerful crystal. Its superior benefits are excellent for achieving clarity of mind and higher guidance. It brings purification on all levels and hinders harmful spirits. Healing Crystals - Crystal Shop & Free Resources Always carry a pearlescent selenite crystal in your pocket or bag. It's the stone of chill vibes and calm. These settings will deepen the bonds of love and promote fidelity. And, the magical selenite properties help to connect with them. allows you to connect with your intuition. However, some combinations are more powerful than others. It will increase the vibration of any stone or mineral that it is combined with, as well as enhancing their healing properties and supercharging them for your specific intent. And this will endear you even more to your loved one. 18. more from shop. Selenite gemstones can also be the perfect addition to any jewelry combination. 3. We sort, pick and pack all of our crystals with great care. Lets find out what you can do to charge and cleanse your healing stone. Selenite is a light carrier, so dont let it stay inside your closet or drawer for too long. To use Selenite as part of a reiki practice, youll need both a wand and smaller stones to place at the chakra centers. Selenite works well with Hematite by amplifying its protective properties even further and creating a very strong bubble of protection around you! (Llewellyn. Yes, sometimes relationships can be a lot of work! Selenite is named after the Greek word for the Moon Selene, because of its properties which fluoresce under ultraviolet light. Disclaimer | The healing properties of Selenite relate to its ability to aid you when you're doing spiritual work. It helps you access your intuition. Theres no doubt that Selenite is one of the most powerful clearing and healing stones in the world. Bracelets containing selenite are recommended for: Selenite ensures daily energy cleansing and divine light absorption. The soft white appearance of the stone is a perfect reflection of its gentle but highly effective energy, which emits white light and high vibrations. They also work to get rid of negative energies from a room and promote inner peace and mental clarity. This crystal amplifies everything it comes into contact with. When you are in a committed relationship but things are starting to feel strained and you no longer feel connected to each other, Selenite can work on bringing you back together and restoring what was lost in your relationship. It can remove blockages in your energy fields and rid your body of dysfunctional energies. Gift Cards | This healing stone is also an activator of the soul star chakra, the path to your spiritual growth. Its particularly protective when placed on the heart chakra as this creates a powerful barrier around the auric field with its gentle loving vibrations. Selenite Meaning & Healing Properties | Energy Muse Another popular protection stone which has been used for thousands of years, Malachite absorbs and transforms energetic imprints left by other people, places or things. By opening yourself up to the powers of Selenite, youre also allowing your relationship and your partner to be influenced by its energies. Interacting with the crown chakra, the crystal has miraculous effects on consciousness, psychic development, and mind power. You will need Selenite crystals when there are a lot of things going on in your head and its starting to affect your sense of peace and quiet. The combination of these two stones is highly beneficial, as they both greatly enhance each other resulting in amplified visualisation abilities. Here are a few other areas Selenite is believed to aid in: Relieving muscle tension Reducing inflammation Stimulating the immune system Aiding in digestion Regulating blood pressure How to use Selenite Selenites vibration is amplified by Jade, which raises ones higher consciousness to even greater heights! It works by illuminating things within yourself that which may prevent you from reaching this point; bringing these issues to the surface so they can be addressed. You can use them by sitting on your chair and putting your bare feet on them preferably in the form of a Selenite wand. Historically, large, thin sheets of selenite (sometimes called windowpane selenite) were used for windowpanes, and smaller sheets were used as eyeglasses, she says. Selenite is one of the more low maintenance stones. Spirituality, natures energy, chakras, and crystals: all go hand in hand. It corrects deformities of the skeletal system and can stabilise epileptic disorders. 7 Spiritual Benefits of Selenite 1 - Energy clearing Selenite is an excellent stone to journal with, especially for your morning pages. It can help you to work smart, rather than hard, and invest your energies in the right direction. And the more positive love vibrations you will attract. Selenite is formed when gypsum (CaSO4) crystallizes out of sulfate-rich solutions such as hot springs or salty lakes, however, it is also found in sedimentary deposits. You will realize that a relationship based on secrets, lies, and pretensions just wont do. Youre first in line: get the newest arrivals, best offers and exclusive content straight to your inbox before everyone else. Click to read more about the Rainbow fluorite healing stone. Selenite is a variety of the mineral gypsum, named after Selene, the goddess of the moon in Greek mythology, Ashley Leavy, founder and educational director of theLove and Light School of Crystal Therapy, tells mbg. So make sure that you put it in the corner of your home where theres enough light. Crystal lovers enjoy the benefits of selenite for sleep, finding that it helps to neutralize the intensity of insomnia, bringing slumber shortly thereafter. Indeed, just like the moon, Selenite works by channeling energy and distributing it to those in need. According to Leavy, another benefit of selenite is that it can enhance one's spirituality or meditation practice. For one, selenite is known for its ability to cleanse and clear away negative energy. However, it was confirmed to also be found on Mars in 2004, which hints at the presence of water on Mars, and thus the possibility of life. The metaphysical properties of selenite in any form like a wand, tower, ball, sphere, etc., can be used to emit soothing vibrations that will make your home or office a calming sanctuary. There you have it, your complete guide to get benefit from all the healing and metaphysical selenite properties. Gives You a Sense of Deep Relaxation By connecting Selenite to the work we do around our crown chakra, we can wash away impurities of the mind. In mythology, Selenite was associated with Selene, the Greek goddess of the Moon. Excerpted from The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals, and Stones. No, they are not the same. Selenite promotes a feeling of harmony and is unlikely to make you the hard nose entrepreneur who puts money and workaholism before all else. "Sweep the energy out of your field while holding the intention to remove any energy that's not for your highest good," she adds. So not only can Selenite help you to be more attractive to the right kinds of people. In this mine 300 meters below the surface, Selenite forms in enormous crystals the size of telephone poles or redwood trees. Selenite is good for your emotional well-being, your flexibility, and your intuition. By connecting with the Selenite crystal healing properties on a daily basis, you can brighten your own inner light to a point where it is much more difficult for darkness to enter. Today, we are here to talk about such benefits, uses, healing, and metaphysical selenite properties that work with upper human chakras and spiritual energies to help connect with nature and oneself. It helps you to achieve personal peace so you can live your life free from stress and worry. The name Selenite derives from the Greek goddess Selene, the goddess of the moon. aids intuition. Selenite forms crystals and these can vary quite a lot in shape and size; they are sometimes parallel to one another or tessellate with other Selenites. Naica Mine: Cave of Crystals If you do not put in the necessary work, no amount of lucky charms can make you wealthy, happy, and successful! A lot of people dont have time for dating intelligently and finding their perfect match. Our homes are deeply personal spaces. Hematite can also be used to dissipate negative thoughts and influences in your environment, clearing a space around you so that nothing but positive things enter. Selenite: Complete Guide (Updated 2023) | Healing Crystals Co. Selenite products can be used as more than pieces of jewelry - their benefits can attract the change you need. Since it helps to clear energy, incorporating this crystal into your practices and rituals can help you clear your mind. By placing these crystals near your bed or under your pillow, their energy can help to promote deep and restful sleep, reduce nightmares, and encourage positive dreams.