Consider a pre- and post- Holes family chat if you choose to indulge. Card Soldiers | Only, eight lizards in the hole with him. Admiral Kassius Konstantine | Elliot T. Jindraike | Fidget | Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. Brooke | Mr. Sir: No I don't, I think he's covering for X-Ray or somebody. You'll also receive an email with the link. Mr. Sir blasts a virulent yellow-spotted lizard with his revolver and audiences catch a quick glimpse of its corpse. Selkirk Tander | Iago (2019) | Bruton | crude or profane language: Unfortunately, Gods name is abused almost 10 times. View complete answer on, View complete answer on, View complete answer on, View complete answer on, View complete answer on, View complete answer on, View complete answer on Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. When Stanley and Zero agree to help each other with reading and hole digging, they are not forming the kind of authoritarian system that X-Ray and the Warden use, but rather a system of mutual benefit, which has the possibility of leading to real friendship. Shark | Vikings | Brett Willis | Winifred Sanderson | Ramsley | Beagle Boys | She then scratched Mr. Sir across the face, causing him to collapse in pain. The Giant | Supreme Commander | Morgana | Tibbles | There are holes all the way up to the cabin. Stanley thinks the shade of the oak trees feels wonderful, and he wonders if this is how condemned men feel on their way to the electric chair. Seneca Crane | Evil-doer Mad Doctor | Nigel Snyder | Drizella Tremaine | The film's most intense moment comes when the angry Warden scratches Mr. Sir on the face after applying a fresh coat of venom-infused fingernail polish. Cato | Flintheart Glomgold (2017) | Nessus | The Coachman | Ian Howe | Myra Santelli | Tom Lucitor | Queen of Hearts | Lucasfilm hours later, Zero and Stanley are still alive. Dr. Gwen Lichtman | If you don't see it, please check your spam folder. Wolfgang von Strucker | Lemons (J. Curby Gremlin, Tyler Gremlin, Towga Gremlin, Tubbs Pacer, Petey Pacer, Fred Pacer, Jerome Ramped, Victor Hugo, Alexander Hugo, Vladimir Trunkov, Tolga Trunkov, Ivan & Tony Trihull) | Mugg-1N5 | Long John Silver | Smile Away Reformatory School Sergeant | Although Stanley only guesses that the lipstick case he found may have belonged to Kate Barlow, the fact that the narrator informs the reader that Kate used to live near Green Lake allows the reader to assume that the case does belong to Kate. Occupation The Witch | Brutus and Nero | Ab Cross | I'm not going to shoot you. Tyrone | Allida is tongue-tied with An Impossible Thing to Say by Arya Shahi, in which an Iranian American teen in Arizonafalls in love with the new girl at school, Shakespeare, and rap music while . He fails the heinous standards to characters like. Instant PDF downloads. Yeti Soldiers | What did Hattie Parker see in the town of Greenlake? The Warden hits Mr. Sir because she feels he was wasting her time over something so incredibly trivial as the petty theft of a bag of sunflower seeds. You may cancel your subscription on your Subscription and Billing page or contact Customer Support at Surtur | Save over 50% with a SparkNotes PLUS Annual Plan! Mr. Sir's face was badly scarred from the scratch, and upon seeing this, Squid rudely asked Mr. Sir "What happened to your face?" Shape Shifter | 3.2 Ruthless Studios and Other Movies, Video Games, Short Films, Comics, Books, TV Shows and Commercials. Why do you think they have to dig holes? " I suggest you go back to your hole now." 12. Coop | Fall 2023 Children's Sneak Previews Uma, Video Games Mama Gunda | The Watcher | When you speak to me, you will call me by my name. Goosey Loosey | Mad Jacks | We're sorry, SparkNotes Plus isn't available in your country. He is the chief officer at . He was also sent to prison for multiple different charges, these charges include: violating his parole by owning a firearm, destroying Hector's file, and for the endangerment and slavery of children. Baroness von Hellman | Holes Quiz Chapter 1- 25 - Padlet Mirage | Give three instances where Stanley shows courage . Grace Goodwin | The Underminer | Snerbert | Wrathful Disciplinarian. Want 100 or more? Zeus | Rico | Gar Saxon DJ | Dr. Calico | Isaac | Star vs. the Forces of Evil Stanley, the protagonist of Holes, is a dynamic character. Gorog | He always has an angry attitude due to his withdrawal of alcohol and tobacco, and may be totally mentally unstable. Latest answer posted June 08, 2018 at 9:37:54 PM. Wrestlers | Erik Hellstrom | Momakase | Dr. J.B. Worley | Dark Ones (Dark One Worm) | Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Holes (DVD, 2003) (A31) at the best online prices at eBay! Tamatoa | Bandar Log (King Louie) | Andrei Strasser | Squid: No! conclusion: With its striking cinematography, vivid character development, complex plot and deft treatment of universal human themes, Holes is a much deeper film than its Home Alone 6: Danger in the Desert promotional campaign indicates. Mr. Analysis. Aconcagua | Korath the Pursuer | The free trial period is the first 7 days of your subscription. General Hux | The Warden and Mr. Pendanski are also arrested for similar charges and all 3 are sent to prison. The Hasselback Gang | Mr. Pendanski shines the flashlight on Zero, who sits with the suitcase on his lap. He disguises this from the eyes of the law by claiming the kids are digging to build character, making him unbelievably manipulative. Scarfield | Milton Vinicius | Boscha | Darth Maul | Butch Cavendish | Sarousch | Molly, Comics Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! Marlon the Gator | Bradford Buzzard | Latham Cole | James Stone | When one boy asks Mr. Sir what happened, Mr. Sir grabs him by the throat smashing him into an oatmeal pot. Theodora | And unlike many book-to-film conversions, this movie maintains the books distinction. What kind of person is the warden in Holes? - Sage-Advices From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. King Stefan | Supreme Leader Snoke | Kim | Ravonna Renslayer | Jeff | holes-chapter-questions and answers until ch 40 - Studylib Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Cause: Stanley is caught with stolen shoes, Cause: The Warden scratches Mr. Sir, Cause: Magnet steals the sunflower seeds and more. Dennis the Rabbit | Log in here. Anastasia Tremaine | Mike | Lil' Lightning | He usually carried a handgun that he used to kill Yellow Spotted Lizards. No longer soft spoken, the Warden is frustrated and out of control. He was portrayed by Jon Voight in the film, who also portrayed Mickey Donovan in Ray Donovan, Paul Serone in Anaconda, Jim Phelps in Mission: Impossible, and Thomas Reynolds in Enemy of the State. You're not looking for anything! Marvel Cinematic Universe Villainous Benchmarks | Norman Snively | Kakamora | MAD Cat | Hun Army (Xian Lang) | Principal Perry | The Warden, Mr. Sir and Mr. Pendanski look down at the boys. Uto & Kago | Taylor Krane | Sugar Plum Fairy | Neighbor Jones | Robert Otto | Mr. Sir | Lyle Van de Groot | Professor Siles | Arpine Lusne | Dawn Bellwether | One day, Stanley sees the water truck coming and takes his place in line. Madame Medusa | Black Heron | "I don't think I can erase him completely from all the state files, said Mr. Pendanski. LitCharts Teacher Editions. Stanley is surprised to see holes all around the Warden 's house as Mr. Sir knocks on the door. Why was Stanley Yelnats' family cursed in Holes? Georges Batroc | "Stanley Yelnats.". Jasper and Horace | The Firebird | Wolf Arrowmen | You're in violation of your parole carrying this weapon. True friendship is lauded when Stanley takes the universally avoided Zero under his wing, teaching the socially unengaged half-pint to read and ultimately saving his life. Cerberus | 2nd Dimension Charlene Doofenshmirtz Cattlemen | Powers / Skills Jasper and Horace (2021) | Let us know your assignment type and we'll make sure to get you exactly the kind of answer you need. If you take a bad boy, make him dig holes all day in the hot sun, it turns him into a good boy. What was the first artifact Stanley found while digging holes at Camp Green Lake. Baron and Baroness von Troken | Knave of Hearts | Black Mariah | Toon Patrol (Smartass, Greasy, Psycho, Wheezy & Stupid) | Undertow | Samuel Mason | What is the main conflict in the book Holes and how was it resolved? Prince Joachim | Bookman | READ MY LIPS GET ME A WRENCH! Bandar Log (2016) (King Louie (2016)) | Armpit suffers from horrible body odor and flatulence. He doesn't look nearly as scary as. Mr. Sir | Although he can be considered insane, Mr. Sir is capable of understanding the consequences of his actions and shows pleasure in hurting teenage boys for no reason. Later in the story, in chapter 20, Mr. Sir is struck across the face by the Warden. Shia LaBeouf as Stanley Yelnats IV; Jon Voight as Mr. Sir; Tim Blake Nelson as Dr. Pendanski; Sigourney Weaver as The Warden; Khleo Thomas as Zero; Patricia Arquette as Kate; Dul Hill as Sam; Brenden Jefferson as X-Ray; Byron Cotton as Armpit; Max Kasch as Zig-Zag; Miguel Castro as Magnet; Jake M. Smith as Squid; Henry Winkler as Stanley Yelnats III; Nathan Davis as Stanley Yelnats II, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba To the Swordsmith Village. They called him Caveman and all that, but he couldn't forget that they were dangerous, too. The Gammas | Narrator: Suddenly one came to down from space. Lilith Clawthorne | Surprisingly. Izzy Wolf | Despite this, they didn't feature a man dressed as a woman; instead, they featured a regular woman. For instance, in the novel he says. Mr. Snoops | In the act of a racial hate crime, a black man is shot in an extreme wide shot. Zarina | He also took to eating sunflower seeds to compensate for his lack of cigarettes, though he started smoking again near the end of the book and movie because sunflower seeds "didn't work for him.". Mother and Father | Momakase | Holes is a 2003 live-action film directed by Andrew Davis and screenplay adapted by Louis Sachar, whose original novel of the same name it was based on, with Shia LaBeouf as the lead role of Stanley Yelnats. Mandarin | The Collector | If Holes had substituted God for Destiny, it wouldnt be problematic. Bullying gets denounced when Stanley is seen being poked, prodded, pushed and scorned by his friends at Camp Green Lake. the warden and mr sir, because they are running the camp for the wrong reasons Why was mr sir in so much pain in holes? The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh The Grand Inquisitor | Jassi | Mr. Sir: It ain't. Villainous Benchmark Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. How much does the perseverance of Stanleys dad contribute to his success as an inventor and how much of it is the machinations of destiny? A scoundrel leers at a woman who makes spiced fruit, commenting that he enjoys peaches. Stanley becomes nervous about showering once he discovers that the Warden has miniature cameras hidden all over the camp (a number of boys make crude jokes about the spying). Why in 'holes' did the warden hurt mr sir? - Answers Cy-Bugs | Sebastian | Join our e-mail newsletter for giveaways, hot deals, and news. Emperor Kuzco | Sam Eagle Speaker | Holes Chapter 23, 24, & 25-26 Summary - TheBestNotes Thantos DuBaer | After stalling for a few minutes, she runs Mr. Sir through with her hand, causing him to stagger back and writhe in agony. What happened to Mr Sir face in holes? Stinky Pete | Knights of the Iron Dagger (Phil Flanagan) | Get Annual Plans at a discount when you buy 2 or more! Trina | Suzi | Gaston LeGume (2017) | Mayor Phillip Fitzhugh | The teeth of disk holder are undamaged. Rat (2019) | Struggling with distance learning? Mainframe Bertram | Flintheart Glomgold (2017) | Sark | Zombies | Marvel Studios Tex Richman | The Warden, Mr. Sir, and Mr. Pendanski show up to find Stanley and Hector trapped in the hole covered in Yellow Spotted Lizards. Along with original songs, the band performs many pre-World War II blues and folk songs. Mr. Sir Character Analysis in Holes | LitCharts Dijon | Paramount Villainous Benchmarks | King Leonidas | Ursula | He and his fellow inmatesthe aptly nicknamed X-Ray, Armpit, Zig-Zag, Magnet, Squid and Zeroare told that theyll get a day off from work if they find something interesting while theyre digging. Arawn | Gyrus Krinkle | Mr. Skinner | The Warden orders Stanley back to his hole, and he is more than happy to comply. Lothar | No Mr. Sir. Shenzi, Banzai and Ed | Madison | Bertram-Bots | Mary Sanderson | Blizzard | Why was Stanley surprised when he returned to his hole after visiting the warden? Soldiers, Live-Action Films The claim isnt entirely true since (without giving too much away) the so-called curse doesnt last always and forever. What viewers learn is that an impersonal force is seeking to right wrongs and rectify injustices in the Yelnats family and elsewhere. Charles "Trout" Walker | Bigfoot Mason | Orddu, Orwen & Orgoch | Ute Chief | Holes Chapter 17-38 DRAFT. Stanley returns to his hole and thinks of how his great-grandfather felt after being robbed by Kissin' Kate Barlow and then stranded in the desert. But I can so make it so it would be very difficult for anyone to ever find a record of him. Liam McCracken | Green Lake is described as it was one hundred and ten years ago: a beautiful body of clear water with peach trees lining the shore. Frank Sitwell | Magica De Spell | Jacob Marley | Orddu, Orwen & Orgoch | Pluto's Devil | Mountain Ox | Peg Leg Pete | Duryodhan | Boba Fett | The Warden appears and tells the boys to keep digging. Gregorio Casal | Jesse | . Trip Murphy | Prince John | Yuck | Judge Doom | Steelbeak (2017) | Anton Vanko | Why did The Warden say that? George McKinzie | The Collector (Bonkers) | Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. Neville Sinclair | The Warden is bothered that Mr. Sir would waste her time with something so unimportant, so she painted her nails with her special rattlesnake venom nail polish, and scratches Mr. Sir across the face. Alonzo | Juice | Mirage | "Holes" End of Novel Test Review Jeopardy Template Ram Thug | Maleficent | Princess Mombi | Sensei Ty | Stanley drives a truck into a hole. Charles Hendrickson | Mr. Sir in Holes by Louis Sachar | Character Analysis & Quotes | Black Guards | Popov | Holes is a 1998 young adult novel written by Louis Sachar and first published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux.The book centers on Stanley Yelnats, who is sent to Camp Green Lake, a correctional boot camp in a desert in Texas, after being falsely accused of theft. After Stanley left the cabin, the warden tells Mr. Sir that she liked him better when he was smoking. Kelly | I ain't here to be a mechanic! Mr. Sir's face was badly scarred from the scratch, and upon seeing this, Squid rudely asked Mr. What happened in Chapter 7 of holes? The Warden then told Stanley her nail polish was made from rattlesnake venom. Eli Squinch | Mr. Patel | He writhes on the floor in agonizing pain, but fortunately for him, he won't die, as thankfully, the nail varnish appears to have dried. Toy Bull | look when he remarked that Stanley's lawyer Ms. Morengo's early arrival `wasn't Girl Scouts sellin' cookies'. John Silver | The Warden never gets the buried treasure. The Warden explains that the nail polish has rattlesnake venom in it. By finding Kate Barlow's lipstick tube, Stanley has found not only a piece of history, but a piece of his own history. Maleficent (2014) | Then he thinks of the gold tube he found and realizes it is like something he has seen in the Warden's bathroom; it is half a lipstick container. William Weatherall Wilkins | Bradley Uppercrust III | The Warden explains that the nail polish has rattlesnake venom in it. Dr. Kozak | However, he knows it's not true: he's stronger now and better adapted to the heat. Gwendolyn Zapp | Hans Reinhardt | Mr. Yama | don't you throw nothing at me! Darth Maul, Direct-to-video Features Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more. Britain at War - Issue 191, March 2023 | PDF | Royal Navy | Military What did the Warden, Mr. Pendanski, and Mr. Sir do to cover up Zero's absence? Debbie | The Warden, Mr. Sir, and Mr. Pendanski show up to find Stanley and Hector trapped in the hole covered in Yellow Spotted Lizards. Mr. Burgermeister | Creepy Connie Thompson | M.A.D. Lana Thomas | Hyena Clan (2019) (Shenzi, Kamari & Azizi) | Blackbeard | Merlock | Undertow | Ercole Visconti | Mr. & Mrs. Chuns | Darth Vader | Nikabrik | He changes during the course of the novel due to the influence and effect of his experiences and actions. However, they don't find anything and in her anger, the Warden scratches Mr. Sir's face with her nails that have rattlesnake venom nail polish. Those who want a neat and tidy moral lesson free of loose ends will be frustrated by the movies seeming lack of clarity. Aunt Spiker | They all get back to digging. Miners | . Mayor Leonardo Lionheart | Type of Villain Mr. Sir in Holes | Holes Chapter 20, 21, & 22 Summary - TheBestNotes Morgana le Fay | Pony Sugrue | Please wait while we process your payment. These are the dimensions of Stanley Yelnats days. Butch the Bulldog | Parker | he is seen eating from a sack of sunflower seeds, which he uses to suppress his desire to smoke. Tritonio Espada | violence and gore: The opening scene shows a camper allowing himself to be bitten by a rattlesnake in order to escape (the bite is masked by a succession of quick camera cuts). Full Name Sr. X | Miraj Scintel | 'I don't like this. Thumper | The film, which was written by the same person who wrote the book, disproved this. Phido | Vandevere | Azure Blue | Aunt Sponge | Lucifer | Queen Ingrith | Gantu | Marky412 | Smoking.Eating sunflower seeds.Mocking and berating the boys.Shooting yellow-spotted lizards. The warden scratches Mr. Sir's face. Trout is used to getting his own way so he is shocked and angry when Miss Katherine refuses to go with him. The King (2017) | Gargoyles The poison causes him to writhe on the ground in agony and leaves his face puffy and discolored. Elliot Coleye | Gem | Nessus | Wigglenog Stromboli | The Buchanan Brothers: You'd better pray to the Lord. He turns around and drives back to the dig site, and upon searching the holes discovers the sack of sunflower seeds poorly hidden in Stanley's hole. Tank | Star Wars Villainous Benchmarks | Curse Dragon | The film was produced by Walden Media and released by Walt Disney Pictures . Mr. Sir offers to shoot the lizards but is stopped by the Warden, as the lizards can jump quite far. Gag Halfrunt | The cover art and liner notes are included. Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc. (Heinz Doofenshmirtz, Norm & Vanessa Doofenshmirtz) | Melissa | Namora | Jafar | Armando Salazar | Holes Part 1, Chapter 20 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts What If? The King and the Duke | No fuzzy/snowy frames on VHS tape. Sea Monkeys | King Henry | Mr. Sir and The Warden | Fandom Chef Skinner | By signing up you agree to our terms and privacy policy. Doc Hopper | The Warden asks Stanley to bring a makeup case over to her. Trigger & Nutsy | No skipping on CD/DVD. Turbo/King Candy | Some time passes and Magnet steals the sack of sunflower seeds from Mr. Sir's truck while a couple of the other boys distract him. Judge Dimsdale De Vil | The Grand Inquisitor | Sir that she liked him better when he was smoking. Gideon | Zero looks from Mr. Pendanski to the Warden and, Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. Raghor | Gustav the Giant | Brutus | Space Jam A Pokemon Legacy | Warner Bros Fanon Wiki | Fandom Razoul | Druun | asks X-Ray if he has the tube. Chacha | Cad Bane | Madeline | Bandits | Skeleton King | Stromboli | Later that day, Mr. Sir was arrested along with Mr. Pendanski and The Warden. Bjornson the Cheesemonger | The Warden then told Stanley her nail polish was made from rattlesnake venom. Jacob Hopkins | Oswald Granger | Ian the Gator | Demon Cats | David Nix | Simon Bar Sinister | Scorch | Lady Caine | H. U. Hennessy | Lucasfilm Anacleto Mitragli | Leviathan | Sabor | McD | Mr. Sir is the only VB to be conceived by. Clarissa Corgi | The Fifth Brother | Anti-Recess Legion (Kojak, Fenwick, Anti-Recess Agents, Anti-Recess Ninjas, Anti-Recess Scientists, Agent Henderson, Agent Smithson, Agent Underville, Agent Franklin, Agent Morrisey, Agent Goodman, Dr. Rosenthal, Dr. Lazenby & Dr. Steinheimer) | Brom Bones | Priscila Ferr | Lvl 2. Professor Ratigan | Chris | Razor Fist | NegaDuck (2017) | Brutus & Nero | Professor J.T. Taserface | After Stanley gets caught with the sunflower seeds, Mr. Sir takes him to the Warden to confess. El Diablo | Because it belongs to the Warden." The Warden owns the shade." she likes to boss the kids around. 'Rattlesnake venom.' With a small paintbrush she began applying it to the nails on her left hand. Magica De Spell (2017) | Thomas Jefferson | Henry Burke | Osi Sobeck | Mr. Sir (real name: Marion Sevillo in the film) isthe secondary antagonist of Louis Sacher's 1998 novel Holes, as well as its 2003 Disney film adaptation of the same name. Jack-in-the-Box | Franklin Hall | Santa Anna | Because he doesn't believe Sam, a black man, should be with Kate, a white woman. Frankie & Benjy | Saw Gerrera | Gnomes | Shere Khan Zigzag | Bandar Log (1998) | 10/31/2015 in Movie Mr. Sir and The Warden When The Warden scratches Mr.Sir, The Warden said, I like you better when you smoked! to start your free trial of SparkNotes Plus. When Stanley is caught stealing the sunflower seeds, he thinks that he is again in the wrong place at the wrong time, but in fact, had he not been caught, he would never have realized that the gold tube he found while digging his hole is actually half of a lipstick container. Merlock the Magician | Arthur the Insecurity Virus | A. Shadow Blot | The Warden repently starts waking the kinds up more early to find more stuff in the holes they were digging like the one X-Ray, (Stanley), found. Noodle Burger Boy | Why did the warden scratch Mr. Sir? - Valley Gang (Jimmy the Polar Bear, Bob the Viking, Captain Putty & Bjornson the Cheesemonger), Live-Action Features P7M - Holes: The book Vs the film | Bishopton Primary School Character Analysis - CliffsNotes Mr. Brown | $18.74/subscription + tax, Save 25% Mr. Sir explains that someone stole the sunflower seeds but that he doesn't think it was Stanley. Alisa Jones | Gladys | Cottonmouth | Rhoda Chesterfield | Mr. Sir | Aaron Burr | Tyler Hayward | X-Ray is first, while Stanley is last in line behind Zero. All Rights Reserved. Evil Manta | Originally a novel, the story won a Newberry Award in 1999 for excellence in childrens literature. Mr. Snoops | Lip-Lip | Tad White | When Stanley returns to his tent after digging, he finds the Warden, water truck arrives, Stanley wonders if it's not too late to save Zero. -Graham S. The timeline below shows where the character Mr. Sir appears in, sodas and sends him away. Sir?" Sally Jensen | Lazlo | After eating fermented food in order to stay alive in the desert, Zero vomits. Teachers and parents! Cheshire Cat | Mr. Sparkles | Stanley confesses to the Warden about the sunflower seeds. Zero says he knows everyone thinks he is stupid but that really he just doesn't like answering questions. Marvel | Miss Hannigan | Mayor Phillip Fitzhugh Disney Animated Canon Gery Lpez | General Lunaris | Alistair Krei | Le Tenia | "I see you're looking at my gun. Bill Sykes | Mr. Sir explains that someone stole the sunflower seeds but that he doesn't think it was Stanley. Stan and Heff | Tad White | Meteora Butterfly | Skeleton Pirates | Who does the warden scratch in Holes? Mr. Pendanski : I had already filled them when you drove up in the car. Colonel Pierson | Mother Gothel Little Hans | Malcolm | Spectrus | Bullwhip | Clove | Lawrence | Tyrian | Toon Patrol (Smartass, Greasy, Psycho, Wheezy & Stupid) | The Warden frostily invites Mr. Sir and Stanley into the air conditioning. At this camp, the Warden (Weaver), and her two henchman, Mr. Sir (Voight) and Dr. Pendanski (Nelson) command the campmates to dig holes after hole after hole. Miss Minutes | Hunter De Vil | Rinzler | Wolf's Owner | Jabberwock | Stanley faces more and more challenges. positive elements: Buried in Holes is a hefty cache of worthwhile themes, but most of them are handled descriptively rather than overtly. When Hector flees, he leaves him to die and aids the Warden's selfish attempt to destroy Hector's files and replace him, hoping to avoid a federal investigation. In addition to realizing that the gold tube is a lipstick tube, Stanley's visit to the Warden provides Zero the opportunity to do Stanley a favor. The Three Little Wolves | Stanley discovers that Zero is very smart even though he does not talk a lot. As Mr. Sir would say, this wasn't a Girl Scout camp. DuckTales (2017) Stanley and Hector stay rigidly still until finally, the sun shines into the hole and the lizards retreat from the heat.
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