They have no furniture of there own, no car, and no future, only God. Somebody over in Calgary, Canada give me enough money, twenty-eight thousand dollars to build a house. Not one time have you reached out to touch them, or corrected them. All insiders know about the 65,000 dollars Brother Sidney Jackson gave to Rev. Just recently a noted lawyer in New York looked into the matter and showed me different bank statements which are still in my possession. I can't afford it; To Take on the Whole Armor of God (62-0701). While speaking he looked over to mother during this unpleasant conversation. Billy Paul, you may think that God doesn't speak to anyone anymore unless they are in your camp. I well remember the Sunday that Bro. The one which Sarah [your sister], had printed and sent out. This money was left untouched since the departure of my father. When mother found out she begged Billy not to do it. Ikinyarwanda, The text of this open letter is as follows: To the Bride of Christ the followers of the message. Tagalog, Mother told me that he had forged my fathers signature on that mentioned document to make an association that would give him power and access over the money my father left behind. He said, From this time you dont need to worry any more. After the sermon a prayer line was called and I was in that prayer line. 12:28, not, the Prophet, one and only. All expenses was made. My mother used to get so upset at all the different doctrines that were going on and that Billy Paul would not try to stop them or at least stand for his father which he claimed to love so much. Nevile at the Tabernacle. New York, N.Y. 10023. I see you catering to people of many carnal revelations. I have just given you this little information to let you know that those who have taken responsibility after my father passed away are not at all the way they present themselves. Perhaps from the so-called Bride which is split up into so many different directions the Lord will have to call out His elect who will go in one direction and that is Gods ordained way according to the message my father preached from the Holy Scriptures. I am asking myself what will be done with the large sum of money accumulated by now after the 26th of October, 1990. I never heard any of your people say or do anything in defense of Bro. I have also put many up in motel rooms that could not afford to do it for themselves. At this point I must mention that I had a very special experience in May 1989, when I was told to go and meet Brother Frank in Germany. The brethren who present themselves pius before the believers have also finished my husband Eddy who is an ordained minister having a diploma of the Tucson University. Thats true., Palmerworm, Locust, Cankerworm, Caterpillar, God in Heaven knows Id be a multi-millionaire if I wanted to be, The Unconditional Covenant That God Made With His People, In the highlighted 13th paragraph of the letter below from his daughter, Sarah Branham De Corado, she makes it known that, Just recently a noted lawyer in New York looked into the matter and showed me different bank statements which are still in my possession, One shows the amount in cash of 3,113,676 plus stocks 130,645 plus other things, This money was left untouched since the departure of my father, According to the notary document it is fixed for 25 years,, Later I found out that Rebekah was with Pearry Green and they had a difficult time finding her to let her know about the accident. Thats. svenska, Sister Meda died a few years ago, so, today, (that is if she is alive) Sarah would be the only living witness of that fateful day. God will have to raise up men after His own heart who have no desire for fame and money. Im getting so nervous even thinking about it, simply cannot bare it any longer. And their revelation, now in 1990, is even worse that it was then. Only God knows all the facts, but after I saw the document dated the 26th day of October, 1965, I began to wonder even more. She wondered how Billy Paul would allow such a man to be a pastor of the tabernacle. Of which they said was unscriptural for there to be one. In the highlighted 13th paragraph of the letter below from his daughter, Sarah Branham De Corado, she makes it known that he was actually a multi-millionaire. This has become obvious. Pearry Green and he sent me off with next to nothing. Which I am sure you would like for it to be. , I have never hoarded up money. And II never want to be.. Since all the money that was put in there, as the Lord's money, was due to Bro. If so, then you are just using the financial condition as a leverage on her. The Unconditional Covenant That God Made With His People (54-0306). And most of my clothes and things are give to me. Frank told me not to do it because its against the Scripture (I Cor. When I came home my mother acted very nervous around me. In the same way it is very easy to spread the rumor that Sister Jackson from South Africa is mentally ill, at the same time keeping secret why she landed in a mental institution. Sarah is in New York struggling to survive, under conditions that aren't fit for a dog. Wish I could've just paid for it myself, but I--I can't do that. For truly they are responsible along with the rich ministers for the mess in the Bride. Holding little old Billy on my arms, and him looking, "Mama, mama," reaching for her, and his little sister laying on the mother's arms An old turtledove set in the bush a cooing. It is true that I am not a member of the Branham family, but I am a member of the family of God. Uploaded by By Sarah Branham De Corado New York, July 1989 To the Bride of Christ the followers of the message Because many people that I have approached for help through all these years have asked me the reason why I am in need the only one of Brother Branhams children, including grandchildren and in-laws, while all of them We don't have these great, big, flowerly things, and television casts. My father had a notebook on his sermon The trail of the serpent. My mother let me read where he had written: I will be betrayed by someone very close to me. Later when she wanted to see the notes again, she was told by Billy Paul that there were no notes, the pages were empty. If you can use it for the glory of God. Do you remember in 1966, when certain men were going to make me their Joshua? romn, He turned to mother and said: Shes not there. He had ordered a piece of pie but never ate it. My father said, I am going to expose many things and names this time. My mother kept begging: Please, no, Bill. We were of course not only disappointed we were upset seeing the luxury the rest of the family and also especially the ministers in this message are enjoying. It`s a known fact than insurance companies are here to rip you off. sarah branham de corado age, sarah branham de corado pictures, sarah branham de corado letter, is sarah branham de corado still alive . .They send me to penitentiary for preaching the Gospel taking a few dollars out here to--to preach the Gospel, that people give me to preach the Gospel with. The things which are not right amongst Gods people must be straightened out immediately. My father had a notebook on his sermon The trail of the serpent. My mother let me read where he had written: I will be betrayed by someone very close to me. Later when she wanted to see the notes again, she was told by Billy Paul that there were no notes, the pages were empty. Green and even other brothers approached him in this matter and finally he denies having received the money. She said that the spirit which was with my father was no longer there, but the Rev. Mother told me that he had forged my fathers signature on that mentioned document to make an association that would give him power and access over the money my father left behind. Perhaps from the so-called Bride which is split up into so many different directions the Lord will have to call out His elect who will go in one direction and that is Gods ordained way according to the message my father preached from the Holy Scriptures. Branham's name and message and run wild. portugus do Brasil, The Bible only spoke of one major Prophet for our age, Malachi 4:5-6. We were poor, had to bury her almost in a potter's field. and we shall all stand before the judgement seat of Christ and give an account of the things that we have done in His name while in this life, II Cor. It is not right for her to be turned away from her rightful inheritence. There has to be some reason why all of you have rejected her from the family circle. But time will soon tell where we will all wind up at in heaven or tribulation. I would like to thank all of you who are helping us during this time of hardship. In July of 1989, she wrote an open letter threatening to expose family secrets. When I asked him to help me because I was in such a need, he said, Go to work. Branham's departure, you still cater to men who hold Bro. Why do I say this? William Branham claimed that he came from a poor family and remained poor throughout his life and ministry, as follows. I only hope that others who were also cheated will have the courage to come up with their stories and claims. I expected to at least get some resonse from headquarters. His house in Tucson is empty and I have no place to stay. The Sarah Branham Investigation Part 3 The Investigation Begins Walker was determined to find what these business entities had over thecultleaders. Sarah called me, and told me how she has been treated. Little do you realize it Billy Paul, God could have allowed you to act this way through the years. Looking for Sarah Branham? The money stated in the tract is a considerable amount. I would like to thank all of you who are helping us during this time of hardship. You had to sponsor that. The document is in my possession. We were of course not only disappointed we were upset seeing the luxury the rest of the family and also especially the ministers in this message are enjoying. Afrikaans, Now she has passed away and I am the only living witness of what actually happened in the car. ikirundi. Out into the land where this Message is going, from the East Coast to the West, from California to New York, down into the South, up into the North, out into the missions, and wherever It's going, and in this tabernacle. Pearry Green of Tucson presenting himself nicely as the pastor of the Branham family suggested that I give him 50,000 which he would invest into a travel agency. It is not right for her to be turned away from her rightful inheritence. svenska, Because if you can treat your own sister the way you are, then I know how you must look on others who refuse to go along with you and your motive of belief. . I could've been a multi-millionaire if I had wanted to be. And it would do you well to listen to the scriptures on this. Because I was told that I should go and see Brother Frank, I had confidential talks with him. 's daughter. Please give those little children something of their grandfather's ministry. I'm not rich, and I can't write that out. Look at my family and most of the ministers, you see among them diamonds, designer clothes, fancy cars and offices. After the passing away of Brother Jackson of course Sister Jackson being left without money she begged Rev. Under normal circumstances he would have reacted and avoided the car coming towards him. That was the last thing I remember from ;before the crash until I came to myself in the ambulance. Take It with You By Sarah Branham De Corado New York, July 1989 To the Bride of Christ - the followers of the message Facebook When I was about to give birth to another child I asked my brother Joseph to give me 1,500 dollars to cover the hospital expenses, his reply was: Where do you think I can get this money from? I went to Rev. My family and others have pushed me through terrible things, sleeping in parks, airports, etc. espaol, You had to pay for it. My mother was very upset. At this point I must mention that I had a very special experience in May 1989, when I was told to go and meet Brother Frank in Germany. The Sarah Branham Investigation Part 4 Response From Headquarters That's the reason today that I, my choice And I--I say this with reverence. She used to refer to the Branham Tabernacle as Collins corner and made her remarks. How he condemned that spirit that wanted to make him Jesus Christ. She told me not to mention or talk about it ever again, but to take it with me to the grave. Sarah Branham Facebook, Instagram & Twitter on PeekYou 1 timothy 2:12 14 explained. Sarah called me, and told me how she has been treated. ProveTheClaims - Was William Branham Poor? To get ready and come to the states, and there he would lead him to a man that would give him new wine. Now after these many years have gone by, It looks strange that you seem so eager to cut your sister and her family off. My father never wanted her to stay. Sarah Branham published a letter in 1989 stating that her father, William Branham, had control of cash and liquid assets of $3,244,321 at the time of his death. She said that the spirit which was with my father was no longer there, but the Rev. From the family inheritance I received my share of 55,000 dollars after my mother passed away. . Oh yes! Billy Paul, you have a nice personality, but it is minus the true love of God. But, my, the most of--it was 1926, they had nothing but just old rock roads. suomi, Now she has passed away and I am the only living witness of what actually happened in the car. Please give those little children something of their grandfather's ministry. Raymond (Junior) Jackson's response to her letter. Finally she approached me and wanted to know how much I had remembered from before the accident. on the Internet. In this tension we left Arizona. This money was left untouched since the departure of my father. I've never took an offering in all my life, never did, just what people freely send me. The last argument before we left was because my sister Becky wanted to stay in the apartment with her friend Betty Collins. Branham had said "Don't ever let Billy Paul get in control of the money, because it will ruin him." It seems that I cannot live with it no more and I am sure I couldnt die with it. It is Gods ordained Message which will forerun the second coming of Christ, not all the false interpretations of the message. 5:10. Branham preached on the "Bruised Serpent". In that booklet they condemned Bro. I want people to be able to enjoy the fellowship of each other no matter what their financial status may be.
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