To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Harry wondered why Lockhart was still Unreliable citations may be challenged or deleted. Why did they change the Headmaster in Harry Potter? He is sarcastic, stubborn, etc, etc. She believed the popularity of the character is due to the moral journey and inner conflict that Snape undergoes within the series, as it is the hero's struggle and costly redemption that really matter: "[Snape's] character ached for resolution. [31] He has a very strained relationship with Sirius, who owns Grimmauld Place and must remain there in hiding. As a fan of the Harry Potter movies, I feel inclined to say that there are a lot of characters that deserve the spotlight on them for their amazing moments and big . [41], Rowling noted in an interview that because Snape abandoned his post before dying or officially retiring, a portrait of him does not immediately appear in the Headmaster's office following his death. His temper, however, is sometimes short where Harry is concerned and positively flares when dealing with his erstwhile tormentor Sirius, or when accused of cowardice. ", "Alan Rickman Interviews Transcripts about Snape", "Alan Rickman French Interview Translation", "Snape voted greatest "Potter" character in MTV poll", "Harry Potter Fan Film 'Severus Snape and the Marauders', "What Would "Potter" Have Been Like With Tim Roth As Snape? In particular, James and Sirius bullied Snape, which according to Alan Rickman caused the already lonely boy to further "shut himself in". In the chapter illustrations by Mary GrandPr in the American editions of The Prisoner of Azkaban, The Order of the Phoenix, and The Half-Blood Prince, Snape is depicted with a moustache and goatee, long black hair, and a receding hairline. As proof, Snape willingly shows Fudge the restored Dark Mark on his arm. He hung out with the likes of Avery and Mulciber who became well known Death Eaters, he joined Voldemort right after he left Hogwarts, and he basically became Voldemort's right hand man until the very end. [38] The full relationship between Dumbledore and Snape and the reason for Snape's actions remain unknown until the final book. "[45], Severus Snape appears in all eight Harry Potter films,[46] portrayed by British actor Alan Rickman. [25] Throughout the third book, Snape suspects that Lupin may be helping Harry's godfather Sirius Black enter Hogwarts castle; Sirius had been convicted (wrongly, as it is later revealed) of murdering Peter Pettigrew and innocent bystanders, and betraying the Potter family's hiding place to Voldemort. This is a pretty clear evidence that his soul WAS (by Snape) considered in danger of being ripped apart from the murder, and therefore was a thing that he did not yet experience, else he would not be worried. It's well known that Severus Snape was, in one way or another, a Death Eater since he was at Hogwarts. As the series progresses, Snape's character becomes more layered and enigmatic. So, naturally being the actor that he was, Rickman felt his role as Snape wasnt going to progress by any means: He didnt want to play the same character for the duration of the franchise and not see some sort of character development. "[49], Rickman used this knowledge of Snape's ultimate loyalties throughout the films to decide how to play certain scenes, deliver specific lines, or use body language to convey specific emotions. Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. From the first movie (where he tries to neutralise Quirrell's spell during the Quidditch game) to the agonised conversation he has with Dumbledore about Potter's fate confirm this. In the second chapter of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Bellatrix Lestrange and Narcissa Malfoy visit Snape at his home in Spinner's End. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. As we find out, he also works as a double agent for Dumbledore against Lord Voldemort. He has a Bachelor's in Film and a Master's in Film & Communication. [77] Snape is also parodied as Professor Santory Snapekin in Sluggy Freelance's webcomic entitled Torg Potter. [41], After Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Snape's loyalty was a matter of intense debate among the fans. He takes an instant dislike to Harry, which Quirrell later reveals is due to the fact that Snape and Harry's father, James, hated each other when they attended . [40] (Towards the end of the book, Harry learns that this was Snape's Patronus, taking the same shape as Harry's mother Lily's Patronus, a visible sign of his lifelong love for Harry's mother, and that Dumbledore had asked Snape to ensure that Harry gained possession of the sword. Snape's family was a poor one and he is described as wearing ill-fitting clothes "that were so mis-matched that it looked deliberate". Domestic box office: $296.13 million. Did Snape know that Quirrell was possessed in The Philosopher's Stone? [41] Towards the end of the last novel, Harry draws parallels between his childhood, Snape's, and Voldemort's. James realised the danger and stopped Snape, saving his life; this is the incident Dumbledore referred to at the end of the first book. Returning to Hogwarts after retrieving Voldemort's Horcrux, Harry and Dumbledore alight atop the school's astronomy tower. This is where is meets Lily Evans, who lived on the affluent side of the neighborhood. MAT. In the fifth novel, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Snape returns to a more prominent role. Favoured Slytherins. [80][81] Snape appeared in a Harry Potter parody named "Louis Potter and the Philosopher's Scone" in Alistair McGowan's Big Impression show, played by Alistair McGowan himself. And it is precisely this need for resolutionour desire to know the real Snape and to understand his choicesthat makes him the most compelling character in the Potter epic. [84] In Team Starkid's A Very Potter Musical, Snape is played by actor Joe Moses.[85]. second time, aiming for the figure ahead illuminated in the dancing What sort of strategies would a medieval military use against a fantasy giant? ~Harry Potter and the Jun 19, 2019 - Explore Hailey Hazlewood's board "Hufflepuff &Thunderbird" on Pinterest.Professor Winston, a Muggleborn, had named the craft after his much loved House Thunderbird, of which he had been a part of when he was a student many years ago. Snape may be the Potions Master, but he is more than just another Hogwarts teacher. Snape loved Harry's mother Lily, so that is why he figures himself as. Failing to protect Harry would probably feel to Snape like once more failing to protect Lily. [47] He had conversations with Rowling about his character and is one of the few Harry Potter actors that she spoke to prior to the completion of the book series about the future direction of the character. [41] Snape agreed to do as the Headmaster requested. And please note I'm not suggesting there is for certain any kind of law similar to this in the Wizarding world -- we have no idea about that. No Unforgivable Curses from you, Potter! he shouted over I would not have it ripped apart on my account. You have kept him alive so that he can die at the right moment? off his feet: He flew backward off the stage, smashed into the wall, "Potter, remain after class." The boy's friends looked outraged, but his own response was an opaque look and a quiet, "Yes, Professor." When the other students had been herded out, Severus turned his gaze on Harry and without a word, unleashed his legilimency. In any case, even after Quirrell's true role is revealed, Harry retains feelings of suspicion and resentment towards Snape, and their relationship remains tense. I couldn't believe that Dumbledore would trust him blindly without reason, even if we couldn't know that reason. Everyone hated the idea of he and Lily hanging out, she didn't care. Later, Dumbledore assures Harry that Snape's reformation is genuine, though he refuses to tell Harry how he knows this, saying the information "is a matter between Professor Snape and myself".[29]. Snape, however, believes James' actions were self-serving, to avoid being expelled. According to the series, James bullied Snape during their time together at Hogwarts. [82][83] In the Harry Bladder sketches in All That, Snape appears as Professor Chafe (portrayed by Jeremy Rowley), whose legs were badly chafed, causing him to be unnecessarily mean. Although Harry Potter was an expansive series, fans have come up with several outrageous theories about Dumbledore, Snape, Harry, and secondary characters on Reddit.. RELATED: 10 Best Fantasy Movie Tropes It's hard to pinpoint whether these Harry Potter . Harry finds marginalia, including a variety of hexes and jinxes seemingly invented by an unknown student, and substantial improvements to the book's standard potion-making instructions. Otherwise, how would Snape ever get into Voldemort's inner circle? He didnt want to play the same character for the duration of the franchise and not see some sort of character development. Lupin describes Sectumsempra as Snape's "speciality" in Deathly Hallows. [44] In a separate interview, Rowling discussed Snape's back story, saying she had planned it ever since she wrote the first book because the whole series is built around it and she considers him one of the most important characters of the seventh book. hermionesparks, rosemina and 1 other like this . Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Snape easily blocks Harry's spells and jeeringly points out Harry's mistakes, but never strikes back. [65] As part of the Waldenbooks marketing campaign, two free stickers, one that said "Trust Snape" and another that stated "Snape Is A Very Bad Man" were available with the book. call him, I wonder? Stupe Blocked again and again and again Throughout Harry's tenure at Hogwarts, he and Snape share a mutual loathing of each other: Harry because of Snapes unwavering bias against him, and Snape because of James. He sees the memory of Snape being bullied by James and Sirius, and of calling Harry's mother Lily a Mudblood (a highly offensive term). In honouring Snape, Harry hoped in his heart that he too would be forgiven. It is while attending the Duelling Club that Harry learns the Expelliarmus spell, which plays a significant role in later books, by seeing Snape use it. He is not a particularly likeable man in many ways. [79] Snape has also been parodied in UK television. Alan Rickman as Severus Snape in "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"; Photo: 7831/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images. AND: My longer answer follows. [7] Although Rowling has said that Gilderoy Lockhart is her only character that she "deliberately based on a real person",[8] Snape was reportedly based, at least in part, on John Nettleship, who taught Rowling chemistry and employed her mother as an assistant at Wyedean School near Chepstow. The main ingredient was wolfsbane (also referred to as aconite or monkshood). Director: David Yates | Stars: Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, Bill Nighy. In a candid conversation between Dumbledore and Snape, Albus asks Severus if he had actually grown to become fond of Harry. 7 Answers Sorted by: 30 Snape as a person was not very friendly or social, for that matter. They have lost part of their hearts. Rickman was 69 at the time of his passing. cowardly Coward, did you call me, Potter? shouted Snape. I have I have asked him RELATED: Daniel Radcliffe Would Love To Star In Fast And Furious But On One Condition. [64], Snape's true loyalty was one of the most significant questions in the series up until the end of the final instalment, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. "[60] Despite being less than kind, the character quickly gained popularity within fandom to a level that surprised Rowling herself. He was a double agent, so many character details were kept a secret. As Albus is about to enter his first year at Hogwarts, he expresses concern that he will be sorted into Slytherin. Is there any canon verification of Snape having committed an outright homicide, excluding Dumbledore's murder? "[18] Rowling further said in an interview that she wanted Snape to find redemption and forgiveness: "Snape is a complicated manhe was a flawed human being, like all of us. Then after Voldemort came back in book 4, Snape would have been a Death Eater again for around 3 years. Despite this and Harry's angry questions, Dumbledore avers his trust in Snape. What is the point of Thrower's Bandolier? Simply the Worlds Most Interesting Travel Site, Alan Rickman Chose Not To Quit 'Harry Potter' Because Of This, lack of diversity Snape had brought to the movies, Harry Potter Fans Say Thats Umbridge After The Crown Releases Photo Of Imelda Staunton As Queen Elizabeth II, Rowling only had four of the seven novels published, Twitter Reacts To J.K. Rowlings Attempt To Stay Relevant Amid Transphobic Comments, Daniel Radcliffe Would Love To Star In Fast And Furious But On One Condition, Rowling shared in a tweet following Rickmans death, This Harry Potter Star Had A Very Uncomfortable Encounter With Warren Beatty. Severus figured that she did it on purpose. + -. But I do believe that Snape's emotional quotient regarding the value of human life changed over the years (not that he was ever warm and fuzzy). Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. This is rare for a Death Eater, as remarked in the last book, though Voldemort himself also had a Muggle father. Snape passes through the school gates and Disapparates with Draco in tow at the book's end. Despite this separation and Snape's enduring animosity toward Lily's eventual husband James Potter, Snape continued to love Lily for the rest of his life. Snape first appears in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, shortly after Harry arrives at Hogwarts. TL;DR: Did Snape ever commit murder? Why did Snape commit his halfblood nickname to writing? smiling; if Snape had been looking at him like that hed have been I wanted there to be redemption."[20]. In talking with Scorpius, Snape had learned that Harry would name his son "Albus Severus" and would regard Snape as "probably the bravest man I ever knew" and is deeply moved. During the final duel between Harry and Voldemort, Harry revealed to Voldemort that Snape had been, in fact, Dumbledore's man. The text is inscribed as being "the Property of the Half-Blood Prince". [32] Back at school, Snape's allegiance to the Order has no effect on his dislike for Harry. [41] The novel also reveals that Snape had covertly used his position as Headmaster to protect the students and to contain the Carrows.[41]). I'm just using this as an example of what a law addressing certain kinds of murder might look like. As the series progresses, Snape's character becomes more layered and enigmatic. James and Snape were in the same year as each other at Hogwarts when they were kids. She sends for Snape, demanding that he provide the magical truth serum Veritaserum in order to force Harry to reveal any information he may be hiding. Snape probably participated in fights and most likely had a few victims under his belt. Snape's memories then reveal that Dumbledore had impetuously tried to use the Gaunt ring, which had been cursed by Voldemort, and had been suffering from a powerful curse. While in school together, Sirius once tricked Snape into almost entering the Shrieking Shack while Lupin was there, transformed into a werewolf. At the end of the book, Dumbledore attempts to convince a disbelieving Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge, that Voldemort has returned. "Is Snape Good or Evil?" Could you not ask for mercy for the mother, in exchange for the son? He's not a ranking ministry official. Also, the video The Mysterious Ticking Noise with the chorus "Snape, Snape, Severus Snape" was the winner for "Best Comedy" of the year 2007 at YouTube; it currently has over 170 million views. It was a war with many casualties, and Second, it makes any participant in such a felony criminally liable for any deaths that occur during or in furtherance of that felony. The Wizarding World has always been vast and complex, given J.K. Rowling's detailed notes and histories for every character in the franchise. He strongly dislikes Harry and often insults him by insulting his father James. Very unlikely that Voldemort would have left such an asset at home when he and his death eaters left on missions to terrorise London. Professor Snape is the Potions teacher at Hogwarts and Head of Slytherin House. In some jurisdictions, it most certainly does. His former Harry Potter cast members were utterly stunned by his passing but all agreed in saying that they had nothing but positive things to say about the actor, who, despite having played a rather mean character, had a heart of gold on the set of the fantasy films. [70] She claimed that Snape is the only protagonist who genuinely has a choice to make and who struggles to do the right thing, hence the only one to face a "compelling inner crisis". I really didn't guess it was for Lily though. Narcissa's son Draco has been given a difficult task by Voldemort, and Narcissa swears Snape to an Unbreakable Vow that he will protect Draco, help him complete Voldemort's task, and finish the task himself if Draco fails. Did the fake Mad-Eye Moody ever use the Foe-Glass to learn Snape's true allegiance? Snape had enough practice with Avada Kedavra -- whether or human, animal, or magical creature victims -- to be able to successfully murder Dumbledore even though he clearly didn't want to do so. That's pretty heroic! Malfoy and some of the other Learn how and when to remove this template message, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, "Harry's Final Fantasy: Last Time's the Charm", "Web Chat with J.K. Rowling 30 July 2007 on", "Barnes and Noble and Yahoo!
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