Gilbert relies on data from the county, state, and federal levels to make informed decisions when navigating the impacts of COVID-19. For updated information, please contact your school officials. 03/26/2020:Governor Ducey announces electric utility relief package. Your higher education doesnt have to wait. Urgently Hiring. New: Updated COVID19 Vaccine Now Recommended for Children and Adults. New order allows certain prescription refills without having to see a doctor. You can check your eligibility at the AZDHS website. It joins the existing state-run sites at State Farm Stadium in Glendale, Phoenix Municipal Stadium and the University of Arizona in Tucson. How the National Guard will help grocery stores. Gov. Vaccine Information Check out the "How Can I Help?" The site will initially. Our community college is your community college. Please scroll down to make an appointment. 03/25/2020:Mayor Jenn Daniels: New executive orders in place by Arizona Governor. ADHS tweeted that cancellations throughout the week led to. Rapid COVID Test at 5975 West Chandler Boulevard Chandler, AZ 85226 CVS Health is offering rapid results testing for COVID-19 - limited appointments now available to patients who qualify Rapid Results From the collection of the swab to the delivery of the results, this process will generally get results within hours. Mayor Jenn Daniels will be meeting with local business leaders to learn more about how we can lessen the economic impact of #COVID_19 on our business community while ensuring residents remain safe. Chandler-Gilbert Community College's Pecos Campus is now a location for drive-thru COVID-19 testing, according to a news release. Browse our course offerings, find open classes and build your perfect schedule. | Fronteras Whatever your goal to attend a four-year university, to earn a certificate to enter the workforce, to expand your career, or to learn for fun Chandler-Gilbert Community College is here to help propel you forward. The American Red Cross and Vitalant now face a severe blood shortage due to an unprecedented number of blood drive cancellations during this coronavirus outbreak. 03/28/2020: Governor Ducey signs agreement to add$50 million to state budget for COVID-19 response. Major Jenn Daniels: Why Gilbert parks are still open. 04/10/2020: Reminder:New Gilbert park restrictions will be in place this Easter weekend, Saturday and Sunday, April 11th and 12th to help contain the spread of COVID-19. The vaccine site at Chandler-Gilbert Community College on Feb. 11, 2021. The above link will provide a calendar view of when and where they are taking place. Coronavirus (COVID-19):latest updates and how to get care. Valleywise Health is set to open its new Phoenix medical center in October, as the building is 75% complete. View more information below. Connect with student resources today a bookstore that you can access online, ask a librarian, counseling and academic advising services and more. Help Needed: Meals on Wheels Delivery Drivers, meals for participants in I-Help homeless services, toilet paper for homebound seniors. 11/12/20New: Purchase a Gilbert Water Tower Mask to Benefit Gilberts Neighbor 2 Neighbor Program, 11/11/20Governor Ducey Issues an Executive Order Extending the Enhanced Surveillance Advisory at Hospitals, Testing Laboratories and Other Health Care Facilities. FOX 10 is working to keep you up to datewith local and national developments on COVID-19. HELPR is a tool being used by an organization in Gilbert that connects people asking or offering help. Healthcare. Getting Vaccinated | Maricopa County, AZ Watch how to make a face mask with Gilbert Firefighter Jaren Drummond. The vaccination POD at CGCC's Pecos Campus (located off of Loop 202 & Gilbert Rd) began operating as a . Arizonans 55 and older will be eligible for vaccine appointments beginning March 2, More than 70% of eligible people in Chandler have received their first COVID-19 vaccination, COVID-19: Chandler cases up 69 in two days March 2, ADHS: Less than 1,100 people hospitalized with COVID-19 symptoms March 3, Chandler mayor declares March 1 COVID-19 Memorial Day. When did surveillance become a business model and what would it take to rein it in? #GilbertTogether Business Recovery Program. Take advantage of various opportunities to get a jump on your college education. 04/13/2020:Small businesses impacted by COVID-19 can apply for the Paycheck Protection Program. To address these needs, NAMI is committed to providing credible information and resources to help people navigate through this crisis. This change is regardless of vaccination status. Governor Doug Duceys COVID-19 Virtual Town Hall, Mayor Jenn Daniels: Pushing to get Gilbert-specific data. The rolling average of daily new cases dropped from 2,245.9 on Feb. 15 to 1,192.4 on Monday and the rolling average of daily deaths declined from 131.9 to 79.7 during the same period, according toThe COVID Tracking Projectdata. . 04/01/2020:Mayor Jenn Daniels: Stay home and do your part to help contain the spread. TEMPE, Ariz., March 5, 2021 - The Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD) is pleased to announce that Chandler-Gilbert Community College (CGCC) has transitioned to an Arizona State Department of Health Services (ADHS)-run COVID-19 vaccination point-of-dispensing (POD) site. Preschool, Early Childhood Education, Child Development. 04/21/2020:Mayor Jenn Daniels: Watch for the latest information on COVID-19, including a new data tracking dashboard in Gilbert's Open Data Portal. All appointments have been booked, however, the health officials say more appointments will become available. We will not accept results from an outside vendor (e.g., Urgent Care, Medical MD, your private physician). New executive orders from Governor Ducey. Visit our 'Vaccine' tab above for more COVID-19 vaccine information in Arizona. Help Needed: Increased need for shelter, using hotels. Our partnerships are designed to help you stay on track to achieve your goals. Your path to a four-year degree can start here. Chris Freudendahl - Co-founder and Managing Partner - Standard N & N On Tuesday,Arizonas COVID-19 death toll surpassed 16,000 and the statereported 81 additional deaths and 849 additional confirmed infection cases. 07/09/2020: Governor Ducey issues executive order limiting restaurant capacity and more starting June 11th, 07/09/2020:The Arizona Department of Health Services launches saliva-based COVID-19 testing in partnership with Arizona State University, 07/09/2020: The Arizona Department of Health Services, Sonora Quest Laboratories and PerkinElmer announce partnership to increase COVID-19 diagnostic testing in Arizona, 06/29/2020:Governor Ducey Takes Further Action To Reverse COVID-19 Spread In Arizona. The Phoenix City Council approved an ordinance that keeps landlords from discriminating against renters based on their source of income. Bring a test order (requisition or prescription) completed by your doctor. 03/23/2020:Governor Ducey Issues Executive Order Detailing Essential Services, 03/23/2020:Monday Morning Manager's Minute: New Protocols and Resources Available. Specialist - Family Support Job Chandler Arizona USA,Education For more information about our clinics, call (480) 728-2004, Informacin en espaol, llame (480) 728-3777, Childrens registration packet (children 0 - 18), Adult registration packet (adults 19 and older), Paquete de registro de nios (0 18 aos), Paquete de registro de adultos (19 aos y mayor). Continue physical distancing. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe. Join a 8 person team that thrives on collaboration, communication, and community. 04/03/2020:Governor Ducey and state child care leaders announce launch of childcare for COVID-19 frontline workers. Governor Ducey announces electric utility relief package. Two-thirds of Arizona is no longer experiencing drought conditions, an abrupt change following a surprisingly wet winter. Governor Ducey announces nearly $10 Million for meals for low-income Arizonans. 03/31/2020:Governor Ducey Announces 90-Day fee relief for restaurants, bars impacted by COVID-19. | Kjzz Gilbert relies on its federal, state and county partners for information regarding COVID-19. Learn more about resources available to help you with your return to classes. Get Help Scheduling an Appointment: People without computer access or who need help finding vaccine can call 602-506-6767. Updated People without computer access or who need help finding vaccine can call 602-506-6767. It is Shelton Deshawn Ford. Everyones path is different. 04/14/2020:Three new executive orders were announced today by Governor Doug Ducey regarding nursing home and long-term care, telemedicine and increase data sharing. You can visit to enter your ZIP code to find locations offering COVID-19 or flu vaccinations near you. Get The Latest News On COVID-19 In Arizona. Arizonans 65 and older, educators and otherprioritized populations will be eligible. How to get vaccinated for COVID-19 - Province of British Columbia Chandler-Gilbert Community College to transition to state-run //-->Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information - Dignity Health Companies interested in donating 20 or more mobile hotspots can visit for details. The Chandler-Gilbert Community College point of dispensing will begin operating as an Arizona Department of Health Services site Wednesday, Gov. Students can reach out to your Campus Location Vaccination Authority (LVA) for details. Chandler-Gilbert Community College will serve as a state-run vaccination site beginning March 3. Skilled in Windows OS, desktop support, computer hardware support, Sales, and Customer Satisfaction. We will continue to update this page with new information as it becomes available. Job specializations: Nursing. Healthy individuals are needed to donate now to help patients counting on lifesaving blood. Virtual Live Enrollment Support is available to answer all of your enrollment questions. The virus is widespread. Sign up before 2/28. Walk-In COVID Vaccine Near Me - Gilbert, Arizona | CVS Pharmacy 04/16/2020: Fact vs. Fiction Video: Face masks and when to wear them. A very special announcement for Gilbert kids. Dignity Health has been operating the vaccination site at Chandler-Gilbert Community College for about two months. Governor Doug Ducey launches 2-1-1 COVID-19 hotline for Arizona residents. 04/20/2020:Managers Minute: Gilbert's focus on slowing the spread of COVID-19 and the town's innovative approaches to virtual workflows. 04/09/2020:New order provides Good Samaritan protections to frontline workers responding to the COVID-19 emergency. 08/25/2020 Arizona Department of Health Services: Maricopa County is Likely to Meet Moderate Benchmarks for Businesses to Reopen Thursday, August 27th 03/20/2020:Arizona school closure extended two weeks, through April 10. The Maricopa County Department of Public Health Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) is recruiting volunteers to assist with the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine to our community. It's the best way to protect yourself, your family, and your community against COVID-19. Please visit the state or county health departments for more information about the COVID-19 vaccine and where to get one. The Chandler-Gilbert Community College point of dispensing will begin operating as an Arizona Department of Health Services site Wednesday, Gov. Visit Maricopa.Gov/Covid19Testingfor additional testing locations and testing events throughout Maricopa County. The Associated Press contributed to this report. Governor Ducey issues executive order to ensure hospital preparedness. The Arizona Department of Health Services is taking over the operation . This next round of sign ups is likely to bring high demand again. Nursing Home, RN Nurse, OB/GYN Nurse. If you are unsure whether your child is current, please ask your healthcare provider or bring your child's immunization record to one of our clinics for review. To make an appointment for primary vaccine or booster at a state-approved community location, visit or call 211. Governor Ducey issues Executive Order strengthening protection in residential and nursing health care facilities. Statement from Gilbert Mayor Brigette Peterson on Masks in Town Facilities, Indoor Dive-Thru Vaccination Site Opening in Mesa April 5, New: 80K COVID-19 Vaccination Appointments to Open at 11 AM on Friday, March 26, Maricopa County Announces Face Covering Regulation is No Longer in Effect, Governor Ducey Announces New Phase Of COVID-19 Mitigation for Arizona, Maricopa County Expands Eligibility To 16 and Older To Match New State Guidelines Starting March 24, State of ArizonaExpands COVID-19 Vaccination Eligibility To 16 and Older Beginning March 24. Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around others. Full Time position. While our campuses have returned to normal operation . The community college will serve as a distribution site when the vaccine arrives in Maricopa Countywhich is expected to occur this week. 8:47 AM Dec 14, 2020 MST, Chandler-Gilbert Community College will serve as a vaccination site. | Kjzz The booster is a half dose (0.25 mg). Note: You can use to make an appt. Residents can use it as a guide to explore local options and how to help. Please call our hotline to verify availability of specific vaccines. Below youll find several resources available to help you for your return. Companies interested in donating 20 or more mobile hotspots can visit. The virus is widespread. 03/17/2020:Mayor Jenn Daniels will be meeting with local business leaders to learn more about how we can lessen the economic impact of #COVID_19 on our business community while ensuring residents remain safe. Appointments can also be made by calling1-844-542-8201. More than 400,000 COVID-19 doses have been administered at the state-run pods, according to the AZDHS dashboard. Arizona Department of Healths new dashboard. Fact vs. Fiction Video: Face masks and when to wear them. As more supply becomes available, well be ready to administer the vaccine and protect Arizonans.". Two new Town Council members appointed. Last month, Maricopa County announced the vaccine site at Chandler-Gilbert Community College would close. Dignity Health ran a dry run Dec. 11 at Chandler-Gilbert Community College of its plan for the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines. Addressing concerns at parks. Arizona to open 4th state-run COVID-19 vaccination site . Appointments for #COVID19 vaccine at the @chandlergilbert site will open for registration at 9 a.m. on 3/1. COVID COVID Keeping Coyotes Safe & Supporting Educational Success It seems like every day brings a change in the ways we are fighting or preparing for COVID-19. 04/08/2020:Mayor Jenn Daniels:A very special announcement for Gilbert kids. Two new Town Council members appointed. Arizona Department of Insurance seeks insurance extensions for Arizona customers. Updates on the testing process and number of cases in Arizona. Phoenix, AZ 85012. Remember to be kind to your body and mind and practice self-care. Dignity Health activates COVID-19 vaccination pod at Chandler-Gilbert Community College, reported 81 additional deaths and 849 additional confirmed infection cases, How to sign up and schedule a COVID-19 vaccine appointment, Maricopa County COVID-19 vaccine status updates, Arizona Dept. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Residents can book their appointments online at or by calling 844-542-8201. County residents can get COVID-19 testing, free flu vaccinations as well as rent and utility assistance programs for qualifying residents who are unable to pay their gas or electric bills or who may be at risk of losing their homes. (Courtesy Adobe Stock) Chandler-Gilbert Community College will transition into a state-run. These resources are not only ones provided by St. Marys Food Bank (although they are of course included) but any resources provided by any of the Arizona food banks. Operating hours to shorten at COVID-19 vaccination sites in Arizona Get The Latest News On COVID-19 In Arizona, KJZZ is a service of Rio Salado College, and Maricopa Community Colleges Visit for more information. 12/28/20 Vaccination Update: State Prioritizes Residents 75 and Older for Phase 2 We haven't seen the worst of this yet in Arizona. Vaccine Locations | Maricopa County, AZ This Sunday, April 12th, there will be a new dashboard released by AZDHS. Find tools and resources to help you succeed with your online classes, including the library, tutoring, tech support and more. . Whatever your goal to attend a four-year university, to earn a certificate to enter the workforce, to expand your career, or to learn for fun Chandler-Gilbert Community College is here to help propel you forward. Licensed Practical Nurse Job Chandler Arizona USA,Nursing (Alexa D'Angelo/Community Impact Newspaper). Listed on 2023-03-03. For all other inquiries, For information on vaccine eligibility, safety information, and other topics, please see our COVID-19 Facts and FAQs. Vaccine Please visit the state or county health departments for more information about the COVID-19 vaccine and where to get one. By clicking Sign Up, I confirmthat I have read and agreeto the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Symptoms for coronavirus COVID-19 include fever, coughing, and shortness of breath. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Chandler-Gilbert is no different. Adult immunizations are only available at our Chandler Care Center location; however, adult flu immunizations are available at all locations. In order to protect yourself from a possible infection, the CDC recommends: Coronavirus in Arizona: Latest case numbers, MORE:How to sign up and schedule a COVID-19 vaccine appointment, MORE: Maricopa County COVID-19 vaccine status updates, MORE: Arizona Dept. section below for ideas. Arizona Together serves as the centralized location for Arizonans to find help or provide support. Remember to be kind to your body and mind and practice self-care. 04/14/2020:Governor Ducey announces antibody tests for health professionals and first responders. The registration website 04/07/2020:Governor Ducey issues Executive Order expanding COVID-19 data gathering. Part Time position. Limited appointments are available to qualifying patients due to high demand. Governor Ducey issues Executive Order halting evictions for small businesses and nonprofits. Celebrate womens contributions to history, culture, and society, Its not too late to register. Symptoms of COVID-19 may appear more slowly. You can also get the latest coronavirus news from around the country Apply today for the Northrop Grumman's Principal Electrical Engineer (ADG) position in Chandler, AZ The state has not announced how many appointments it will make available. The location was due to close at the end of this month once Dignity Health stopped operating it. Instead, it will reopen March 3 as another mass vaccination venue. The health department said the vaccination site will be located at Chandler-Gilbert Community College and will begin operations as a state-run site on Wednesday, March 3. According to a news releasefrom the Arizona Department of Health Services, the site will open on Wednesday, March 3. The state-wide drive-thru sites aim to test 30,000 - 60,000 Arizonans. 03/27/2020: Mayor Jenn Daniels:Addressing the upcoming closure of all town-owned park amenities. Help Needed: Financial donations, donation of goods and staples, volunteers to prepare meals. 03/23/2020:Gilbert Public Works urges people "save your pipes, don't flush wipes", 03/22/2020: Social Distancing: The Basics. 03/12/2020: Gilbert Events PostponedDue to COVID-19 Breakout. Find rent and utility assistance, foreclosure prevention and lending information here. 06/25/2020:Mayor Jenn Daniels COVID-19 video updatefor June 25th, 06/24/2020:Mayor Jenn Daniels COVID-19 video updatefor June 24th, 06/19/2020: MaricopaCounty Board of Supervisors approves county-wide mask regulations, 06/19/2020:Town Council Approves Mask Requirement in Gilbert, Effective Today, June 19th at 5 PM, 06/17/2020: Mayor Jenn Daniels video update: aspecial town council meeting has been called to discuss the possibility of mandating masks, COVID-19 case update in Gilbert, 06/17/2020:Governor Ducey Announces Enhanced COVID-19 Action Plan, 06/11/2020:Governor Ducey, Arizona Department of Health Services press conference on Arizona's response to the COVID-19 outbreak, 06/11/2020:Statement from Arizona Hospital Leaders Regarding COVID-19 Response and Preparedness, 06/10/2020:Mayor Jenn Daniels: an update on the rising COVID-19 numbers in Arizona, CDC-recommended ways to protect yourself and others, 06/10/2020:Maricopa County Department of Health video update on rising COVID-19 cases in Arizona, importance of wearing a mask and more, 06/06/2020:ADHS provides updates on COVID-19 cases, hospital capacity. March 1 at 9 a.m., theArizona Department of Health Services will open up registration for vaccine appointments at Chandler-Gilbert Community College. Free Auschwitz Live Virtual Tour Dates Set. 03/19/2020:New texting service. Different viruses present similar symptoms, Philadelphia Eagles WR Zach Pascal robbed at gunpoint in Maryland, Frederick, MD tanker explosion leaves 1 dead; Shuts down part of US-15, If youve got the CASH, this $2 million vanity license plate can be yours, Car debt piles up as more Americans struggle to make payments, Mother charged with capital murder in deaths of 3 children in Italy, Texas, family says, Disneyland banned Rebel Wilson over selfie, actress says, Family sues Phoenix mortuary following accidental cremation, SRP releasing water from reservoir to make room for anticipated runoff, Break-in suspect found stuck in the ceiling of North Phoenix business: police, South Carolina traffic stop leads to drivers brain tumor diagnosis, Armed robbery suspect wanted for stealing from Chandler Walmart, Driver arrested in Phoenix hit-and-run that killed child, Man shot in downtown Phoenix, no arrests made, Buckeye mom accused of killing adoptive son extradited to Arizona. The latest figures reported by the state Department of Health Services increased the states pandemic totals to 818,670 confirmed cases and 16,080 deaths. Gilbert's emergency order requiring face coverings in public places will expire on July 19th, but mask regulations will still be in place for Gilbert residents under Maricopa County's ordinance. To make an adult or child appointment at our Chandler location, please click the button below. | 12/2/20 Restaurants Can Apply for Up to $10,000 to Cover Outdoor Dining Expansion Beginning December 7th, 12/2/20New Executive Order: Easing Regulations to Encourage Outdoor Dining, 12/2/20 New Executive Order: Ensuring the Availability of Vaccine without Financial Barriers News: An earlier version of this article misstated the name of the man arraigned. The Arizona Food Bank Network has a search engine (above link) that allows people to input their zip code and receive a comprehensive list of all resources in their area. spudType : "main", 04/23/2020:Mayor Jenn Daniels: Governor Duceys new executive order allowing elective surgeries to resume May 1st. Governor Ducey signs legislation to support schools, teachers and families. COVID-19 vaccination appointments available beginning March 1 at If able, please print forms and fill them out prior to your appointment time. 03/30/2020:Governor Ducey announces new steps to protect families and small businesses from foreclosure. COVID-19 Vaccines At VA | Veterans Affairs Mayor Jenn Daniels: Team Gilbert shoutout. The Chandler-Gilbert Community College state-run mass vaccination site opened March 3, 2021. The U.S. Small Business Administration announces it will resume accepting Paycheck Protection Program applications starting Monday, April 27th. 132 W. Bruce Ave. 03/26/2020:Governor Ducey issues executive order to ensure hospital preparedness. Mayor Jenn Daniels: The Governor's Office has new guidance on Essential Services.