Michigan has a large Christian population, and in their faith, its believed that Sunday should be reserved for rest, family time and church. 1820 which declared rape and other forms of sexual violence a war crime, a crime against humanity, and a constitutive act with respect to genocide, arising from the conflict in the Balkans, in which violating women became a conspicuous weapon in the war. Greenlandic became the sole official language of Greenland at the historic ceremony . It was enacted in the 1970s to essentially label horses as vehicles. Apparently, this is a slight to the great French general and emperor. 35. If it keeps creepy clowns of the road, we're OK with it. Because I care, I went deep into the Gettysburg Times archives and . A barn? It is popular due to the fact that it has the fastest moving glacier in the entire Northern hemisphere. The rule states that no yelling, shouting, whistling or singing is allowed at any time. Though the subject has been reviewed in the French parliament several times since then, the law has not been repealed and is still strictly enforced. In Oklahoma,"every person guilty of secretly loitering about any building, with intent to overhear discourse therein, and to repeat or publish the same to vex, annoy, or injure others, is guilty of a misdemeanor.". There is a law in South Carolina called the no mock proposal law, which states that anybody above the age of 16-years-old is not allowed to perform a proposal if they do not mean it. The urban legend became so popular that people were delving into the wilderness in search of the mythical creature. The center of Longyearbyen. Receive our monthly newsletter and gain access to promo codes and other surprises our team prepares for you. It is also apparently illegal in Massachusetts for a man and a woman who rent a room for the night to sleep in the nude. The Most Ridiculous Law in Every State - Business Insider Sadly, despite the law's prevalence among weird-law lists, the law itself is just a myth. Even the worlds northernmost ATM is installed here. The Craziest Laws That Still Exist In The United States Similarly, bars can be fined for allowing bingo. However, no amount of thinking can explain some of the more bizarre laws from around the world. Having your chickens cross the road in Georgia This isn't a joke: don't let your chicken cross the road in Georgia. Presumably, the governor thinks its silly and should be stopped. (1) It is illegal to pretend to practice witchcraft in Canada. 15 Weird Laws In Georgia That Will Blow Your Mind - OnlyInYourState Where this law exists: South Carolina (among other states). Arkansas. Supposedly, the reason for the rule is hygiene. Although the tight swimsuits may not always be flattering, they are unlikely to have been worn outside on the streets. In Arizona, having more than two vibrators in your home is illegal. 10 Things You Didn't Know About Greenland TwistedSifter The fine can be up to $50,000. 15 Interesting, Weird Laws in Germany - ViaTravelers Leave Your Creativity For the Weekdays. If found guilty, the man will be charged with a misdemeanor, fined at the court's discretion, and possibly imprisoned for no more than one year with a number of exceptions, according to the South Carolina State Legislature. 21. In Skamania County, they were worried enough to pass a law stating that the "slaying of Bigfoot to be a felony and punishable by five years in prison.". In New York City it is illegal to honk your horn. The weirdest laws on the planet: Its a crime to Prague history: There was another bridge before Charles Bridge, Ancient stone camels in Saudi Arabia older than Pyramids. It does that, but it also means that no Tennessee resident can share their password with anyone outside of their household. 33. 40 Weird Laws in the U.S By Brittany Alexandra Sulc, updated on July 15, 2021 Candice Lane / Facebook At Far & Wide, we try to be law-abiding citizens. This just makes a lot of sense and has probably saved many lives. There's a myth floating around on the Internet that there's a German law which forbids the hanging of laundry on Sundays. "Dumb Laws" Across the United States It Is Prohibited To Harass Big Foot (Washington) In the US state of Washington, it is a crime punishable by either a fine or a jail term to harass big foot, Sasquatch, or any other undiscovered species. This is one weird law we're very thankful for. Because, you know, when you turn 65 youre known to have impeccable judgment. In Montana, proxy weddings are allowed for those serving in the military, which means a friend can pretend to be the groom or the bride and the union will still be considered valid. The time depends on the region. "Fornication" or sex is completed banned, except for married couples. In China, it is a law that a person must be intelligent to go to college. Stealing is always illegal, but stealing crawfish can result in prison time less than 6 months if you steal less than $500 of crawfish or up to 10 years if you steal over $1,500 worth. Just like the weird laws regarding the sale and serving of alcohol, every state has its own peculiar laws about how you need to behave once you've drunk it. Also, when you return to your hotel, you must not dry your towels by hanging them out the window. The law only applies if they maimed the victim on purpose, according to the Rhode Island State Legislature. 39. Some even consider the animal a modern-day unicorn. A device called ashoe-fitting fluoroscope, also known as a pedoscope or foot-o-scope, could expose the patient to radiation. Top 10 most strange and weird laws of all time in Ireland Only male dogs and cats can be neutered. Final verdict: In most of Montana, keeping a pet rat is completely fine. In Kansas, individual counties may by resolution or petition prohibit the sale of alcohol in public places where 30% or less of their gross revenue comes from the sale of food, according to Kansas State Legislatureand TIME. 2. If you don't know how this series works it's where I give 15 unique facts and a couple of weird laws about certain country of my choosing in this case Greenland. In Utah you can marry your cousin, but only if you are both over the age of 65. Where this law exists: Skamania County, Washington, Final verdict:Anyone who has been to Washington State, particularly western Washington, knows that they're a little obsessed with Bigfoot. In Utah, a husband is responsible for his wifes actions as long as he is with her at the time of her actions.. Legal Status of Eastern Greenland - LawTeacher.net What a shocker. It's illegal to hold salmon under suspicious circumstances The law was fittingly nicknamed the Sip and Spit law. After the donkey was rescued, the town passed one of the weirdest laws in the country, which forbids donkeys from sleeping in bathtubs. In Oregon, talking dirty while having sex is illegal. We don't know why exactly many of them were created, but we do know everyone could use . Marriage. One common Netflix habit is illegal in Tennessee but might be hard to actually enforce on the minor level. Ward Hazell is a writer who travels and an occasional travel writer. When it entered the Kentucky Constitution in 1849, the law was meant to deter men who might aspire to public office from participating in the once rampant Southern tradition. Law or not, that's a pretty good rule of thumb to follow. Follow me on Twitter. Given how cold it is in the specific region, people are not allowed to have a regular burial. Imago, Weird Laws. 16 Things You Should Know If Your Significant Other Has CrohnsDisease, 21 Men And Women Share What Its Actually Like To Live Under ShariaLaw, Heres The Most Notorious Murder From EveryState, Here Is The Most Haunted Location In EveryState, 50 Of The Goofiest, Wackiest, And Absolutely Nuttiest Sex Laws From Around The World(NSFW), From Ancient Theater To Modern Drag: 100+ Stunning Historical Images That Document The Timeline Of LGBTHistory. Top 10 Crazy Laws in Nevada and Las Vegas. Someone found using the device is guilty of a misdemeanor, according to the Nevada State Legislature. The worlds northernmost capital is Nuuk, and it belongs to Greenland, Whittier, Alaska a town where almost all its citizens live under one roof. Sadly, its not. Most of the animals that are sought here are some popular yet endangered species. Tons of people flocked to the city in search of gold, but few struck it rich. 11. The Hvalsey Church, a Norse ruin now is the first church for Christians built on the continent of North America. Initially enacted to stop servants from stealing their master's money to pay off their debts in the pub, it soon became a free pass to extensive boozing. Im out. It is situated on the Svalbard Islands on the north of the Scandinavian country, and the islands bleak scenery is contrasted only by the colorful homes and edifices of the local Longyearbyen people. We're not sure why its any safer if youre sleeping standing up, but well go with it. In Samoa it is illegal to forget your wifes birthday. Also illegal in England is flying a kite to the annoyance of locals, getting drunk in a pub, ringing a doorbell without lawful excuse, or keeping pigs outside your house. However, if you want to use one in Cambodia, you are likely to be disappointed or get into trouble. Amongst our favourite of the weird and strange laws in Ireland is the Tippling Act of 1735. To prevent any old Joe from masquerading as one, though, Massachusetts requires fortune-tellers to live in the state for a minimum of a year before applying for a license. Whatever you say, Washington. (River would be out, as would North.) Finally, it must make the sex of the baby clear. They have set up designated areas for people to play with water. After that, they receive compulsory dietary advice and guidance followed by six months of reeducation if they are still not making sufficient progress.[3]. How ancient Romans went to conquer Britain? In 2007, a barmaid was found to be in breach of the Liquor Control Act and fined A$1,000 as a result of entertaining her customers this way. With a few exceptions, being drunk in public is illegal across the country. Interracial marriage was still illegal in Alabama in 2000. For example, some places have outlawed miniskirts, low-cut jeans, and tops that show too much cleavage. The "urban beautification" initiative dates back to 1927when an all-white circle of Hawaii's power wives created the Outdoor Circle Club and lobbied for the ban on outdoor ads. 56. It was built by Norse settlers who migrated here from Scandinavia and Iceland. A major part of Greenland is covered by fjords, which prevent the construction of roads for travelling to another city or town. All of this seems to be very specificexcept, of course, that the legislation does not say what a suspicious manner looks like. For example, one list of weird laws states that in California, if a frog in a frog-jumping contest dies, it is illegal to eat the frog. The law has withstood legal challenges since 1845 and included exceptions for parties, according to the New York Times and Find Law. In Florida it is illegal for a divorced or a widowed woman to skydive on a Sunday afternoon. This is particularly important to the Chinese authorities because His Holiness (Tenzin Gyatso) has been such a thorn in their side. The law is apparently tied to an 80-year-old tradition called the Frog Jumping Jubilee in a mining town and was enacted many years ago to prevent people from eating unsanitary frogs. The law is no longer enforced, of course, but back in the day, people who were deemed too unsightly for the public eye were slapped with a $25 fine over $400 in today's currency. So, hopefully, your old car works well enough to make it home from mass because you wont be able to buy a new one until Monday morning. There is some debate over this one. Attempts to jump into the pool in shorts may lead to you being rescued by a lifeguard or hauled out by a large hook. 5. 24. But North Dakota obviously decided it needed a more state-focused group for celebrating chickpeas, lentils, and lupins. Weird laws in the world's northernmost town: no funerals allowed, and no cats please! If youre just being a jerk, itll cost you $500. The logic behind this weird law was that sleeping around heavy machinery was a bad idea. 2010 The Thought & Expression Company, LLC. And not just a salmon. Which means the prostitutes themselves would not be breaking the law. It must also be a recognized name. According to Alaska State Legislature, the statute says an intoxicated person may not "knowingly" enter or camp out where alcohol is sold. 1. Definitely one of the weirdest Australian laws. 14. 31. 40. FLAG OF GREENLAND 37. On the other hand, shorts might have been worn anywhere. In the city of Baltimore, it is against the law for any person to operate, conduct or maintain a body studio. No "Bat Signals" (or any other beacon) allowed in the sky. This crazy law in Georgia was passed in jest, but it's still on the books. Top 10 Outdated Laws You Didn't Know You Were Breaking, 10 Strange Personal Traits You Might Not Know Could, 10 Creatures With Really Strange Bodily Functions, Top 10 Strange Medical Conditions That Really Exist, Top 10 Ridiculous Laws That Are Still Enforced, 8 Dark Facts About Being Single, And Why You Really, Top 10 Films About Economic Disaster You Really Need, 10 Controversial Toys You Might Already Have in Your Home, Ten Absolutely Vicious Fights over Inherited Fortunes, 10 Female Film Pioneers Who Shaped the Movies, Ten True Tales from Americas Toughest Prison, 10 Times Members of Secretive Societies and Organizations Spilled the Beans, 10 Common Idioms with Unexpectedly Dark Origins, 10 North American Animals with Misplaced Reputations, Top 10 Ridiculous Laws That Are Still Enforced Across The World, 10 Outlandish Conspiracies, Claims, And Theories About Saturn, 10 Questionable Items Produced By High Fashion Designers, 10 Odd Ways People Protected Themselves From Witchcraft, Top 10 Side Effects of Hoarding No One Talks About. (Calling your child Reignbeau or Kal-El would fall under this heading.) . So we might think its a good thing that councillors give careful consideration to any mascots that they might put on a playground. Final verdict:No, this isn't an attack on good, clean Halloween fun. In Britain it is illegal to operate a cow while intoxicated. 26. Top 10 Weirdest Australian Laws That Are Still in Effect The list goes on. Final verdict: And it's illegal to honk in front of any sandwich shop, not just a Subway chain restaurant. People called out the law as hypocritical and unfair since there was no such ruling against similar pets like hamsters and guinea pigs. In Greenland the only month where the temperature manages to reach above freezing point is July. "White deer," as people often call these mammalian anomalies, are extremely rare. Even though the country doesnt have a large obesity problem, Japan decided to take a proactive approach to the benefits of maintaining a healthy weight. This is a not so surprising fact about Canada. Gambling at a home poker game is illegal in Belgium. 2. It was probably written in the 1800's and forgotten since. In England it is illegal to die in the House of Parliament, but something tells me that if someone did do this, they wouldnt face many repercussions? 64. Some items can't be sold on Sundays. Though most of these laws sound incredibly dumb now, once they've had, or still does have, a real pretense. When it refers to "ugly" people, it's really referring to those with disfiguring disabilities, particularly minorities. Final verdict:It sounds silly, but those funny, 1990s-style stink bombs you probably bought in a joke shop at some point can actually be harmful. Mount Washington features rare alpine plants such as Greenland sandwort, Labrador tea, alpine bearberry, dwarf cinquefoil, dwarf birch, willow, and balsam fir. In Britain, oddly enough it is illegal to be drunk in the pub. On the list of weird U.S. laws, this one wed like to keep. Weather modification is not only possible, but it's actually a lucrative business. 53. See if it bounces. No large wild populations of sick snakes, lizards, or turtles ever came to be, so perhaps the ban is working (or was never needed in the first place). Many elements of Hawaiian culture were repressed, so understandably, native Hawaiians didnt want their coins stuck in peoples ears. The Craziest Laws That Still Exist In The United States It's a strange, strange world we're in. It is not clear why this ever became a law or a rumoured law in the first place. In Tuszyn, Poland, however, the town council seemed to take their responsibility a little too seriously. The 10 most STRANGE AND WEIRD LAWS of all time in Ireland However, she must kill him with her bare hands. In Reno, its illegal to sit down on public sidewalks because the point of sidewalks is to walk. No, you cant lie down on them, either. We start our weird laws in Nevada list with a kiss. It suffered heavy damages after an avalanche in 2015,photo credit, Acaption showing downtown Longyearbyen, and the Adventfjorden sea and valley, as seen from the nearby Plateau Mountain, photo credit. Obviously, eating it with your hands is the right way. In 2007, the Chinese government banned Buddhists from reincarnating without prior written authorization in an important move to institutionalize management of reincarnation., However, the law would allow the Chinese a say in the next reincarnation of the most important Living Buddha when the current Dalai Lama dies. The metabo law requires all citizens over age 40 to have their waist measurements taken once a year. We're not sure why this law was ever necessary. Sending someone a pizza can cost way more than the delivery fee but only if you do it wrong. Views: 4043 Sites likedumblaws.com which rarely link to states' current statutes or may misinterpret them only perpetuate the myths. The law applies also to trout, eels, lampreys, smelt, freshwater fish, and any other fish "specified for the purpose." The fact that it needed to be made a law means that someone tried it, doesnt it? Greenland - The World Factbook - CIA In these states, sodomy is only illegal for homosexuals: Montana, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas. There's a right and a wrong way to eat fried chicken. It's illegal to hang the laundry on Sunday. In Pennsylvania, it is illegal to tie a dollar bill to a string on the ground and pull it away when someone tries to pick it up. The only problem was that no one had defined exactly what qualities a pickle must have to pass inspection. Ordinarily, naked hiking might not be at the top of the political agenda, but a sudden influx of naked hikers from Germany brought the issue to the fore. There are lots of things you are not allowed to do in Italy. Below are a few samples of strange laws from South America: "In Bolivia, it is illegal for women to have more than one glass of wine in a bar or restaurant." "It is illegal to have sex with an idiot in . The worlds northernmost capital is Nuuk, and it belongs to Greenland, while the worlds northernmost town that has more than a thousand permanent residents is Longyearbyen and it belongs to Norway. Final verdict: Do you know how to tell if a pickle is legit? 11. In Turin, Italy, dog owners must take their dogs on a walk at least three times a day. He went with the name Greenland to make it sound all fuzzy to people back in Europe because in order to start a successful settlement, he needed a lot of settlers willing to migrate there. So, as long as youre gifting the pizza to someone and its paid in full, it should be fine. In Norway, there is a law that protects all female dogs and cats from being spayed. In 29 states in the US it is legal to fire someone for being gay. In Samoa it is illegal to forget your wife's birthday. Weird Laws: Pennsylvania - YouTube Hopefully, you do, too. The second one constitutes a misdemeanor punishable by fines or jail time. The 8 Weirdest and Strangest Laws in Maryland (2023) - Liner Law Have you been wondering recently how to take better care of your SO? However, less than one-half is totally fine. There, even whispering in church is considered a disturbance of worship and can result in an annoying fine. Before you worry about the people, remember that they signed up for the match while the bears did not. The law says that a person may assist players by playing their cards while they take a bathroom break, according to Maine State Legislature. Cannabis is legal in Canada. In Arkansas there still exists a law that was instated in the 1800s that states a husband is allowed to beat his wife, but only once a month. According to tradition, the Buddhist leader, who is in his eighties, will be reborn to help humanity.[7]. The reason? Final verdict: Dunkin Donuts and coffee are as American as it gets, and so is this weird law. #6- Air and boat travel Image Source:Wikimedia 10 Interesting Facts about Greenland - The Crazy Facts In France it's illegal to name your pig Napoleon. FALSE! Final verdict: Were not sure how this law originally came to pass, but we can tell you why. 61. Though this New Hampshire law might seem strange, marine plants and algae are routinely used to make fertilizer and animal feed, which gives it value. Its not like it was the couches fault. It's illegal to drive while your dog is tethered to your car in Alaska. Swearing can lead to a fine, as can lying on park benches or climbing trees. Greenland is a unique land with exquisite and exotic flora and fauna. B Rosen via Flickr View the Best Chili in Austin. So, you wont get a ticket for having a heart attack. Weird laws in the world's northernmost town: no funerals allowed, and The poor bears were also subjected to inhumane practices, like removing their claws and teeth, to prevent them from killing their human opponents. According to the law in Nevada, any man with a moustache who kisses a woman will get in trouble. By law, any whale or great Sturgeon caught in the UK is the property of the Queen. Final verdict: This weird law was intended for hackers to prevent people from selling Netflix login details in bulk. Right now, its illegal for them to vote too. Anyone deemed to be overweight is given three months to shape up. 13 Strange Laws Around The World You Must Know If You Are - IndiaTimes This one confounds me. A single sandcastle. 30. Comments Off on Weird laws in the worlds northernmost town: no funerals allowed, and no cats please! Strange But (Unfortunately) Untrue: Apple Pie Must Be Served With a Slice of Cheese. 19. Height, weight, glasses, funny haircuts, okay. 4. Top Ten Crazy Canadian Laws - Winnipeg Criminal Defence Lawyer Like most governments, the Germans were anxious to ensure that children were not bullied at school. When Hawaii joined the United States in 1900, it still had its own coinage. The Worldwide Championship of Ice Golf is held in the month of March in a popular city of Greenland namely, Uummannaq. It got to the point that it became a massive traffic jam and an ongoing driving hazard, so the town forbade parking there at all. 45. If you do, the fish and wildlife commission will charge you with a Class A misdemeanor, according to Justia. In Iowa, it is illegal for a man with a mustache to kiss a woman in public. In Victoria, B.C., it's illegal for a bagpiper to play at the same time as another street performer. The practical effect is more jail and fines, according to Find Law and BulletSafe. Why? This is a photo of Mine 2b where work was ongoing from 1938 until 1969. Greenland is one of the best locations in the world to view the dancing Northern lights. (Indio or Dusti just wouldnt cut it. 13 Unusual Road Signs from Around the World | Mental Floss The law has been in place since 1903. However, nothing saved the lovely little houses as an avalanche took momentum back in 2015 and wiped out almost the entire center of the settlement. Oral sex is often considered sodomy by many states, according to the Hebrew Bible. Below is a collection of eight strange laws from the state of Maryland. It is a thrilling natural phenomenon that can be experienced only when there is no midnight sun. Where this law exists: San Francisco, California. There are truly some wacky laws out there There are truly some wacky laws out there. Final verdict: Heres yet another weird law that we wish was a joke. However, according to the North Carolina State Legislature, non-profit groups can go wild. Shady psychics probably wont bother jumping through all the hoops. The punishment for suicide - the ultimate contradiction. You're probably not going to get fined if you break it, but you may get a stern reminder. Spitting is also illegal and can result in arrest. Major tourist attractions in Greenland are the fauna and flora of this country. The ancient culture along with the stunning and varied wildlife is the factor that promotes tourism for this place. Someone, at some point, did something so nutty that people felt compelled to make it illegal. Three town residents must attest in writing that the animal is loose, and its owner must fail to reclaim or confine the beast after notice is given, according to Missouri State Legislature. Top 10 unusual laws from around the world | Veena World Unfortunately, when a local dam broke, the house flooded, and the bathtub floated away, donkey and all. If you broke up three times, why would a fourth try be any different? The Berlin Wall Good Thing Today Its Street Live, Love, Create, Enjoy Melbourne, a haven for Weird laws in the worlds northernmost town: no funerals allowed, and no cats please! 1. Unique Facts And Weird Laws #42: Greenland by Chitter Chatter - Anchor Did you know it's considered one of the world's first democracies? Pixabay 36. However, what makes this law even stranger is that it is illegal to do this only on Sundays. Still, it can be hard to understand the laws and customs of other countries, and travelers are often advised to take care not to inadvertently break the law. Acworth retaliated saying all of their citizens needed a rake. That's 75-plus salamanders, according to fair market value. This health code likely made its way into the books to protect competitors at the Calaveras County Fair and Frog Jumping Jubilee, a decades-old tradition in the gold-mining town of Angels Camp. 43. But if you do find yourself swapping goods or services for your precious bundle, it's only a misdemeanor, which is usually punished less harshly than felonies, according to the Pennsylvania State Legislature.
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