Your SurgeryPlus Care Advocate will provide you one-on-one, personalized help each step of the way. Medically necessary services diagnose and treat health problems. %%EOF endstream endobj 90 0 obj <>/Metadata 3 0 R/OpenAction 91 0 R/Pages 2 0 R/StructTreeRoot 5 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 91 0 obj <> endobj 92 0 obj >/PageTransformationMatrixList<0[1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 -396.0]>>/PageUIDList<0 878>>/PageWidthList<0 612.0>>>>>>/Resources<>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 93 0 obj <> endobj 94 0 obj <> endobj 95 0 obj [/Indexed/DeviceRGB 250 104 0 R] endobj 96 0 obj <>stream Surgical Coverage - Medicare This website provides an overview of your benefit options. Coverage terminates when your membership ceases, insurance ceases for your class, when your dental contributions cease or upon termination of the group policy by the Policyholder or MetLife. , begin to type the name of your employer in the space below. The service categories and plan limitations shown below represent an overview of the plan benefits. This benefit is available to those enrolled in one of the CEBT EPO, PPO or HDHP medical plans. Metlife will not pay Dental Insurance benefits for charges incurred for: Alternate Benefits 0000014251 00000 n Voting & Elections HIP Plus is the plan for the best value.HIP Plus provides health coverage for a low, predictable monthly cost. You consent to receiving palliative care to make you comfortable versus care to try to cure your illness. Metlife - Member Dental Plan Benefits - Member Benefits Cataracts and Insurance: Find Out if You're Covered Coverage Policies are not recommendations for treatment and should never be used as treatment guidelines. What Part A covers,, last accessed June 10, 2022. You can ask for a pretreatment estimate. State Regulations The group policy terminates for non-payment of premium and may terminate if participation requirements are not met or if the Policyholder fails to perform any obligations under the policy. You pay 20% of the Medicare Part B copay plus any out-of-pocket costs such as your deductible, medication costs and physician fees. What happens with my health information? 0000019224 00000 n Inpatient hospital: $450 per admission copay for unlimited days, plus 35% of our allowance. Bigger. Summary of Benefits and Coverage | UnitedHealthcare In . Or Reach Us at 855-200-2099 " *" indicates required fields It can include Durable Medical Equipment (DME), mental healthcare or ambulance services.2 Preventive care services are health treatments that prevent illness or detect problems at an early stage, like flu shots or cancer screenings.3, There are some things Original Medicare wont cover. 866-855-1212. Negotiated fees are subject to change. Medicare Part B may cover diagnostic hearing and balance examstests your doctor requires if you need medical treatment. <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<4A8EC73074B5B2110A00B0B8D090FC7F>]/Index[988 109]/Info 987 0 R/Length 162/Prev 206109/Root 989 0 R/Size 1097/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream We recommend that you request a pre-treatment estimate for services in excess of $300. Plan benefits and rates are effective for group plan year January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2024, and subject to change thereafter. 7500 Rialto Blvd, Building 1 Suite 250 It requires doctors and facilities to meet strict credential guidelines leading to the highest quality care possible. 2 If you have Medicare Part B primary, your costs for prescription drugs may be lower. 1026 0 obj The cost of cataract surgery not only depends on the equipment used and the IOL implanted, but on the skill of the surgeon, your overall health, and where you live in the country. At time of enrollment, you will choose how you want to pay. Consistent with federal law effective 1/1/98, the Cigna national maternity policy includes coverage for 48 hours of hospitalization following a normal vaginal delivery and 96 hours following an uncomplicated Caesarean section. Arrives by Mon, Mar 13 Buy Samickarr Clearance items!Wireless Support Bras For Women Full Coverage And Lift Plus Size Bras Post-Surgery Bra Wirefree Bralette Minimizer Bra For Everyday Comfort at Filing a health insurance claim is simple and can be done in one of two ways. Information gathered by our partners will be used for your benefit to help guide you on your path to wellness. such as Spine, General Surgery, Genitourinary, Orthopedic, Ear, Nose & Throat, Cardiac, GI, and Pain Management. These plans include all your Part A and Part B coverage and often provide extra coverage for services not included in Original Medicare. %%EOF Eleesha Lockett, Does Medicare Cover Plastic Surgery? Healthline, last accessed June 10, 2022. Medicare Part B (medical insurance) helps cover the cost of medically necessary durable medical equipment if your doctor prescribes it for use in your home. In certain markets, delegated vendor guidelines may be used to support medical necessity and other coverage determinations. Benefit coverage for health services is determined by the member specific benefit plan document and applicable laws that may require coverage for a specific service. Medicare pays $781, and your cost is $195. If the information online is inconsistent with the Plan Documents, the Plan Documents will govern. When it comes to Medicare, the question we hear most often after What does it cost? is, What does it cover?. Please use this access code on website: surgeryplus. Home. Overview . This surgery makes the stomach smaller. Thats what SurgeryPlus does. Confirm your coverage before you commit to a procedure youre unsure about. Wearing a swimsuit after a mastectomy can be a transition. Does Medicare Cover Cataract Surgery? | Humana Many offer affordable or even $0 monthly plan premiums, but you must continue to pay the Medicare Part B premium. Theres a lot of information in an SBC. search a list of these participating dentists online,, One fluoride treatment per 12-month period for dependent children up to their 14th birthday, Total number of periodontal maintenance treatments and prophylaxis cannot exceed two treatments in a calendar year, For dependent children up to 14th birthday, once per lifetime per tooth area, One application of sealant material every 60 months for each non-restored, non-decayed 1st and 2nd molar of a dependent child up to their 16th birthday, Crown, Denture, and Bridge Repair / Recementations, Initial placement to replace one or more natural teeth, which are lost while covered by the plan, Root canal treatment limited to once per tooth per lifetime, When dentally necessary in connection with oral surgery, extractions or other covered dental services, Except as mentioned elsewhere in certificate, Periodontal scaling and root planning once per quadrant, every 24 months, Your Children, up to age 19, are covered while Dental Insurance is in effect. Delaware State Code Savings from enrolling in a dental benefits plan will depend on various factors, including how often members visit participating dentists and the cost for services rendered. An explanation of whats not covered and/or the limits on coverage, Information on costs you might have to pay like deductibles, coinsurance and copayments, Coverage examples, including how coverage works in the case of a pregnancy or a minor injury. TE 6Uz A$& &`5= X7"yH: wd`^+H(`q] DF9qt SurgeryPlus offers surgical procedures that are covered under the State Group Health Insurance Program, but is different from your health insurance plan because the healthcare services are bundled together. DHR - Division of Statewide Benefits - Delaware What's not covered by Part A & Part B?, last accessed June 10, 2022. Through the planning process, you will work with the same Care Advocate. We cover the most expensive costs associated with your surgery so you'll pay less for your procedure. Board Certification, Specialty Training Requirements, Procedure Volume Requirements, State Sanctions Check, Medical Malpractice Claims Review, Criminal Background Checks, CMS Quality Requirements (Hospital Only), Monthly Network Monitoring. Or Reach Us at. Medicare covers hospice care if the following conditions are met: Medicare does help cover some in-home health services, including: To be eligible, you must be under the care of a doctor and treated under a plan of care that is monitored and reviewed by your doctor. Information about where to go online to review and print copies of complete health plan documents, Where to find a list of network providers, Where to find prescription drug coverage information, Where to find a Glossary of Health Coverage and Medical Terms (also called a Uniform Glossary), A statement on whether the plan meets minimum essential coverage (MEC) for the, A statement that it meets minimum value (plan covers at least 60 percent of medical costs of benefits for a population on average), When changes happen within your health plan, Individual & Family ACA Marketplace plans, Heres what a sample SBC looks like (pdf), Glossary of Health Coverage and Medical Terms, Explore the benefits of UnitedHealthcare plans through work, Dual Special Needs Plans (D-SNP) from UnitedHealthcare, When you make a change or are added to a health plan for example if you get married, have a child, or experience another. Know your options. You can choose whether or not to use SurgeryPlus for your surgical procedures. Privacy Policy Policy form GPNP99 0000000016 00000 n Also, your doctor will need to certify that you need certain eligible in-home services. What're Mastectomy Bras and Why They're Important | TomboyX Coverage will be considered under your out-of-network benefits. 0000005131 00000 n Whats a Summary of Benefits and Coverage? In some cases, your association and/or the plan administrator may incur costs in connection with providing oversight and administrative support for this sponsored plan. These partners are required to comply with all laws protecting privacy. This is a voluntary benefit available to you if you're enrolled in the Core, Standard, Plus or High Cost Coverage medical option. Elected Officials If the MetLife dental benefit plan is primary, MetLife will pay the full amount of benefits that would normally be available under the plan. Blue Distinction Specialty Care | Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Distinction Centers for Substance Use Treatment and Recovery aims to improve patient outcomes and value by focusing on providers across the full continuum of care who deliver and facilitate treatment for substance use disorder, including opioid use disorder. The requirements needed for surgery, including any pre-operative tests, screenings, evaluations, and post-operative care will continue to be covered under your Aetna or Highmark Delaware non-Medicare health plan. trailer endstream endobj 124 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[5 84]/Length 22/Size 89/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream "_P^)J^:+&!nI-eMNYrVY;QU&+,SUdTVvSN(GTDS o5q_H\%lqbF$M2Q::=x?c}Efl 2"PwyOP# 3V&$b$E7TXI!"?k* NZOLizJT5A7a Xk56C*I~EOv {)Z` YFJ#i'O>4@6.\7=dBkwR)K@kJ^.|xs-v(\irQJhpQ-[":wwT%9KBU2hNU^ 6/En!`}#Yrud9,/R FEP Basic Option Plan Benefits Chart - Blue Cross and Blue Shield's This assures State of Delaware Aetna and Highmark Delaware members will have access to surgeons and facilities that meet strict SurgeryPlus credentialing guidelines, leading to the highest quality care possible. Consult your healthcare provider if you have questions or concerns. To see if your procedure is covered, contact us. Like most group benefit programs, benefit programs offered by MetLife and its affiliates contain certain exclusions, exceptions, reductions, limitations, waiting periods and terms for keeping them in force. 0000001036 00000 n 0000012970 00000 n Procedures can cost from $700 to $2,000 per eye, depending on . To provide and maintain this valuable membership benefit, MetLife reimburses the association and/or the plan administrator for these costs. If you need cataract surgery in both eyes . Rest easy knowing you can afford the surgery you need, HDHP Plans will require a reduced deductible to be met first. To check to see if you may already have SurgeryPlus, begin to type the name of your employer in the space below. If you need a claim form, visit or request one by calling 1-800-942-0854. 0000004536 00000 n 0000379543 00000 n Samickarr Clearance items!Wireless Support Bras For Women Full Coverage 89 0 obj <> endobj When Does Humana (HUM) Cover LASIK and Eye Surgery? We cover the most expensive costs associated with your surgery so youll pay less for your procedure. United Healthcare Bariatric Surgery Requirements These savings are shared with the member through financial incentives and members will not be required to pay a copay, deductible, or coinsurance for services provided through SurgeryPlus. 0000023776 00000 n POWER Up to HIP Plus! Many Medicare Advantage plans include prescription drug coverage, in addition to all the benefits provided by Original Medicare Part A and Part B. When you already have a health plan, youll get an SBC automatically at certain times: Even though an SBC is made to make it easier to understand health plan information, sometimes the terms in them can be confusing. Click Register Now to create your profile and start exploring this free service. 0000024262 00000 n Many Medicare Advantage plans also provide prescription drug coverage (also known as Part D).5, Original Medicare does not include coverage for prescription drugs, but you can buy a stand-alone prescription drug plan to help manage your drug costs. How to Get Health Coverage for Special Procedures - Anthem Please note: If you are covered under the State of Delaware Group Health Insurance Plan as secondary, refer to the SurgeryPlus plan document for details on bariatric coverage. (Due to contractual requirements, MetLife is prevented from soliciting certain providers.) A participating dentist is a general dentist or specialist who has agreed to accept negotiated fees as payment in full for services provided to plan members. We suggest you discuss treatment options with your dentist before services are rendered, and obtain a pre-treatment estimate of benefits prior to receiving certain high cost services such as crowns, bridges or dentures. endobj Before undergoing surgery, youll want to be connected with the highest-quality providers and facilities. The amount of benefits payable by MetLife may be reduced due to the benefits paid under the primary plan. Medicare Part B benefits cover 80% of the Medicare-approved amount for cataract surgery. %PDF-1.6 % Medicare Advantage plans are provided by private companies with approval from Medicare. Members will pay nothing out of pocket for bariatric surgery; however, financial incentives do not apply. Its also possible to get an SBC in another language. Updated 08/29/2019 . Most common oral surgeries are covered, at least in part, by your dental insurance provider. Original Medicare generally doesnt cover the cost of a nursing home, assisted living or long-term care facility. Read your certificate of insurance for details on plan benefits, limitations, and exclusions. Learn more aboutsavings and spending accounts. Trust in our network HVn7}Wt)A87HPV$(YXF;3as=sfj'O&y>=zF_Gmlr:v1z5`:A1suhMFY}r0_&o^w]vw%'o':~u>)|]!6nRBki;L}h0y^'#cCmJJc Corporations coinsurance and/or deductible on PPO plans, or copay on EPO plans). SurgeryPlus provides an alternative to using your health plan for a planned surgical procedure that is not an emergency. 0000015930 00000 n About SurgeryPlus SurgeryPlus is a supplemental benefit for non-emergency surgeries which provides high-quality care, concierge-level member service and lower costs. SurgeryPlus :: CEBT Medicare Part B contributes 80% of the cost of one pair of eyeglasses or set of contact lenses after cataract surgery after. Generally, Medicare Part B covers cataract surgery because it's usually performed in an outpatient clinic, and most people won't require a hospital stay afterward. The choice is yours. <> Remember that Medicare Advantage plans are required by law to offer all the benefits of Original Medicare, but most plans offer much more. This website and phone number are for use by dental professionals only. The complete provisions of the plans are set forth in the Plan Documents and Summary Plan Description. SurgeryPlus is separate from your health plan and has its own network of high-quality providers. You and your dentist will receive a benefit estimate for most procedures while you are still in the office. Delaware Marketplace This program utilizes the MetLife PDP Plus Network of participating dentists. Vision benefits are underwritten by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, New York, NY (MetLife). 0000015692 00000 n To connect with SurgeryPlus today, call 833-709-2445. ii AF! Coverage is provided under a group insurance policy (Policy form GPNP99) issued by MetLife. 866-855-1212 to request a claim form. ic+C@nN`RYva@\}KRr>Wq8=Rw+{a .n!LF40d=DdcB42r7hRXyMQ"wDYfuwO se)D+jd7bLB,2}a'_UOaB:.bwRIQGp)` aHeO\@qPtn#u,{n{@|=V<^N}Ap2,+H>0$_ -C The SurgeryPlus Difference We allow you to focus on practicing medicine and caring for patients.