Make this cut 12 to 18 inches from the ground on the side of the tree you want to hit the ground first. Do some searching on coal for a closeby source. BillNole. This is a project Ive been working on. hhmmfrom what you are describing, I doubt that the cupboard is olive, or Russian olivepictures would help.. Freshly milled or sanded, the main (or only) wood Ive come across that has green heartwood is poplar. Personally, when I am home, I burn alot of Pitch Pine. Don't burn it until it has seasoned for at least one year. As a result, a cord of wood may only have 70-90 cubic feet of actual solid wood. Never park under one when thay have hedge apples on them. I can lift a 3 log of aspen into my fire box the same oak log is too heavy. It is a dense hardwood providing above average heat thats suitable for the coldest winters. My neighbors complemented on the smell of it .Its great cooking wood too . Russian olive burns clean, produces minimal creosote, and doesnt spark and pop. The Btu rating for Almond varies from 29 to 32, why the variance? I've never seen birds eating the berries. Russian olive will mostly produce a lot of ash but will burn for a long time regardless. The National Fire Protection Association suggests that you hire a chimney cleaner to remove creosote build-up at least once a year. I cant seem to find any info on suitability of Tupelo or Black Gum for firewood. ), I am reduced to asking neighbors or builders if I can haul away their downed trees. . Here in MD was 39 today with 20mph wind. I dont know how that changes as it dries out. Olive gives food a subtle flavor thats fruity and slightly sweet. Its not the best, but it will warm you. I first came here and posted in 2010 . Some find their odor offensive, while leaves and fruits are messy. For dirty steak Ive used these same woods plus these additions: choke cherry (prunus virginiana), manzanita, Oregon Ash (Fraxinus latifolia), and white alder (Alnus rhombifolia). . The tight grained old growth Douglas Fir is as about as good as it gets.Put two big blocks on Your fire at night,button it down good,and when You open it in the morning Youll find a big,beautiful bed of coalsbut stand back,because when the air hits it,it will ignite big time!!! Would it be possible to post the btu value for Monterey Pine? I dont like the choke cherry and Orgon Ash. Really enjoy the contributions. The draw back is it is very hard to split . I grew up on a homestead and I am here to share the knowledge I have and things I learn while living in the countryside. Back in the day they used to use the limbs for fence posts and the wood would last decades in the ground with out rotting. Well here it is getting to be winter in upstate NY again and the little woodstove in our basement has been running since September or so. That's when Bishop decided he wanted to make furniture with wood from his family's farm, situated 30 miles east of Brady . BillNole. But in my opinion any kind of wood is worth cutting up and burning as long as it isnt totally rotten or anything. If you take a piece of that wood and another same size piece of another type of wood that you know the BTU of, you can get a general idea. I havent been able to compare it to madrone, or the oaks (like Oregon white, black oak, etc.). Russian olive wood produces an unpleasant odor when green. The ones in the western hardwoods chart are for the west coast varieties. Lots of oak available here, but I still take what I can get. This wood is best suited to turned objects, in my experience, as the irregular wood and knots tend to make it hard to work with anything duller than a razor blade.Since I find that irregular woods seem to do well on the lathe, I use it for turnings, as it is very figured and I think it looks quite nice. Be sure to poke a couple holes to vent the gases .Then get a 55 gal drum or make a small kiln to put your bucket in .Start your fire then put the bucket in. The Ultimate Firewood Storage Guide For 2023, How Good Is Walnut Firewood? Mulberry burns wonderfully, but gets so hot it put a crack in our first cast-iron stove when it was used as a full load, so we only use one piece at a time with other woods. Donating wood samples and pictures of wood itemsIf youve got a new or unusual wood species that isnt on the site, please consider sharing it with the rest of us! With the ability to adapt to any soil type, the Russian olives tree can tolerate more than 75 gallons of water daily. While this sounds simple, its essential to get it right. Seasoned wood is always the best bet, and I dont mean that seasoned = less than 4+ months. Spruce and Birch both probably have about the same BTU rating, however I have found that Birch burns cleaner. Though that is not to say that their moisture levels are exceedingly high. Ive burned wood for heat much of my life, but in my new house my focus is on wood for cooking. All Rights Reserved. Step 3 My fathers property in southern Illinois is over whelmed with Russian Olive trees as they were used in near by coal mining areas during reclamation of the mines after they closed. We strive to provide opinions, articles, discussions and history related to Hearth Products and in a more general sense, energy issues. should be cut and split and dry out for two years before burning. I told him that wood had to dry before burning and he said its been drying all week long , it should be dry by now . I have 4 cords plus over 100 more Russian Olive trees to cut for firewood. Though that is not to say that their moisture levels are exceedingly high. I found that if you have some green (wet) wood and want to have a campfire go to your local hardware store and buy a duraflame fire log . Interesting reading. Some states have made the sale of Russian olive trees illegal, to prevent their spreading. Russian Olive - Utah State University This is my first year heating with wood. One of our favorite cooking woods must be peach. Some states have made the sale of Russian olive trees illegal, to prevent their spreading. Latest data that Ive read is that seasoned softwoods causing creosote problems is baloney. Hedge (Osage Orange) will do the same thing. . Russian olive is better adapted to warmer climates. Russian olive is medium-quality firewood. i have burned firewood about 34 years and it is obvious the people who compiled the listings here have never used firewood for heat [ college educated idiots ] and i feel sorry for the people who cant recognize fools at point blank range!! rating? PRACTICALLY EVERY RANCH FENCE HERE AND NEW MEXICO IS MADE FROM IT, ITS EASILY SPLIT AND IT RESISTS ROTTING. Love this site! I checked my bandsaw / motor to make sure I didnt have sparks/smoldering. Autumn olive ( Elaeagnus umbellata) is an ornamental shrub first introduced to North America in the mid-1800s. Fresh cut it has a sap like a pine in the outer bark but overall it contains a lot of water depending on the time of year it is cut. Thanks to the high BTU that Russian olive firewood produces and its long-lasting heat, Russian olive is an effective choice of wood to use in your fireplace. GOTTA CLIMB HIGH AND USE A POLE ELECTRIC CHAIN SAW,,,GITTING IT DONE BUT WILL IT BE GOOD FOR MY LOPA WOOD STOVE..APPRECIATE SOME ANSWERS. We live in the foothills of North Carolina and heat with a Big Buck wood stove. One cord is a stack with dimensions 4'x4'x8 or 128 cubic feet. I didnt find any data about almond wood, in your stats, and thought you might like to include it. It does give off some pretty decent heat. Cut the trunk into pieces about 4 inches smaller than your wood box. Mulberry has a rateing of (1) unit million btu, 25.80/cord I have 4 of them that I want to cut down. But unlike other woods like birch, Russian olive catches fire very slowly. For me and my outdoor boiler, I prefer the junk wood like aspen and spruce. The Best and Worst Trees for Firewood - Hobby Farms Note my location and you will understand that many of the species mentioned were new to me. Yet it will not burn, just smoke. When he's not working on axes, he's probably camping, hunting, or honing his survivalist skills. Funny, just made an archery bow from Autumn Olive, close relative, and it had a very pleasant smell. I think these charts are the more accurate of the many charts. If youre going to load up your wood stove with the big stuff overnight, you might consider leaving the air intake barely cracked open. Have burned fir and cedar from the property, but so far have stayed away from the pine. I have not tried the Madrona yet,but have a quarter of a cord for sale for $75.00! But have found fore killed spruce / pine that had topsburned off in forest fire but roots kept sending sap to tree gives best heat ! I have been using a cast iron Encore for 5 years without issue. I have been burning Honey Locust, Dogwood, Apple, Black Cherry, Black Walnut, Tulip Poplar(Tulip Tree) and Sassafras. This wood is ideal used for cooking, adding delicious flavor whether you love to grill, spit roast, or smoke. Theyre all gone around here.. Persimmon is a good secret,burns hot and long. Im in North Texas and I have a half acre I can devote to renewable firewood. Can the latter possibly split 36 diameter 2 drums? Unless seasoned, firewood tends to produce a lot of smoke. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Although it does not grow to be large in diameter, with older varieties of the tree, splitting the trunk part of the tree can be pretty difficult. It does have a more bitter, eye burning smoke than most woods. Bandit~ Over 50 years heating with wood; Woodstock Fireview; Stihl Farm Boss 290 Stihl 180; 20 ton MTD Splitter. I burned some buckthorn in 1.5 to 4 diameter unsplit and that stuff burns HOT in our wood stove; it stinks and its not the easiest to start. What wood would you say it is similar to on the b.t.u. I made the mistake of scoring a cottonwood many years ago and dont want to make that mistake again. Any advice as to species, training, harvest and also seasoning of smallish diameter limbs, or direction to such information, would be much appreciated. I have cut and burned a bit of Russian Olive. If you can, sell it and save the $$$ to buy fresh 1 yr old wood later on from someone else. Its BTU is just as high as birch which varieties produce a BTU of 23.8 million per cord and higher than douglas fir, which has a BTU of 20,7. Unseasoned wood smells unpleasant as it burns. Wood Fuel for Heating | MU Extension - University of Missouri Chinquapin and Dogwood are common here in Ohio. Around here it is about the most common tree taken down by tree services, so lots of firewood guys sell it because they get the wood dropped off in their yards for free. If you leave oak in the woods til you need it, well, theres lots of bugs and stuff that love to digest it. Output is a whole nother cat. I burn, wild black cherry, black walnut, elm, hickory and yellow tulip. ..i did some investigating and found out salt cedar is actually tammarick aphyla or something like that.comes out of africa..btu rating is close to eucaliptas..or however you spell Found this site this morning while revising essay on free heat. All very interesting, but I think these charts might reflect potential input of these woods. All you ever wanted to know about Russian Olive except its BTU's. I dont bother with cottonwood as a fuel source. Firewood is easier to split while it is still green. It is tolerant of considerable amounts of salinity or alkalinity, and can survive considerable droughts. WE MADE BARTOPS, SHELVES, AND FENCING OUT OF IT (PRIMO FOR THOSE, AS THE GRAIN IS VERY PRETTY AND CONTRASTING). We repainted the Jotul with 1200 degree rated stove paint and a lot of it has burned offso we know the Jotul gets hot, just not how hot. ft. barn/house. Burning Russian Olive Wood Step 1 Hit the wood against the wood box or ground before bringing it indoors. That being said, it is a wood that is mostly sold to hobbyists, so it can be hard to find a firewood seller who supplies Russian olive as firewood. I live in the White Mountains of Arizona. Anyone know the best way to seal it? It will dry out for a season and then be split and distributed in 2018 or 2019. Thanks, Barry , I think tulip poplar would be similar to cottonwood since they are both in the poplar family . Split these sections into sticks. Sprinkle lightly, dont dump, and over several years, weve seen a material improvement in our plants and soil from recycling everything full circle. However, the destructive habits of these non-native, invasive species were quickly discovered by residents in the valley. Russian olive or Elaeagnus Angustifolia is viewed as an invasive species. My preferred woods for the Jotul are cherry, sugar maple, and Norwegian maple. This is the resin soaked sticks of pine that will light with a match and makes an excellent starter. How to Grow Rosemary From Cuttings Propagate Rosemary, Mexican Mock Orange: Everything About TheChoisya Ternata, Magnolia Shrub: Everything About The Magnolia Bush, Crape Myrtle Shrub: Everything About The Crape Myrtle Tree, Lilac Shrub: Everything About The Lilac Bush. White alder was favored by the local tribes for pit roasting salmon. Persimmon is one of the most dense wood around this area. I noticed a lack of information on Hickory. Not talking about ordinary white mulberry, just the fruitless ones. I live californnia. The black locust sparks more as its moisture content rises. Russian olive or Elaeagnus Angustifolia is viewed as an invasive species. Seems most farmers are removing them now to get more acres in corn and soybeans. Anyone know anything about russian olive? - Firewood Hoarders Club Overall, compared to other hardwoods, Russian olive can burn for just as long as douglas fir or birch while producing very creosote. But in many cases softwoods actually have more BTU per pound than hardwoods. Coals are to fire as fuel, to keep it going and provide lasting heat. Russian Olive is not closely related to the wood that is commonly referred to as Olivewood (Olea europaea)and may be distinguished from true Olive by the endgrain. However, someone told me that buckthorn burns so hot you have to be careful your wood-burner doesnt crack. Does anyone know what the btu rating of russian olive is, I burn tons and it makes more heat than anything else that we have so I am curious about the btus. All of the wood has been cured at least 3 years, but in our damp winters the wood picks up moisture from the air so produces less heat by late winter. Ensure that there are enough gaps between each log to allow them to air dry effectively. 1. There is tons of it, here and I will be harvesting a lot of it for mallet heads and for knife scales, too! When Russian olive wood is first cut, it released an unpleasant, overwhelming odor. It will spark quite a bit, however, when the burning logs collapse upon one another during the burning process. Another potentially invasive plant with probably similar BTUs/burn value is it's cousin: Autumn Olive. It is a hardwood that can produce a lot of heat for a long time. Though seasoning the wood for long enough will eventually make the smell dissipate. Getting sufficient heat while using minimal wood is valuable, whether relaxing at home or huddling around a campfire. The tree is a perennial deciduous that is native to Asia and Europe. I could turn on electric or gas boiler but the excercise and knowing you are hurting bottom line of Electrical Supply Utility keeps me I live in the midwest southern iowa have burned firewood for most of my life,and have discovered that different woodstove set ups heat better using different wood. Pricing/Availability: Russian Olive tends to be a very small tree, with a highly branching form that is not conducive to large or straight logs. A week later he tried to burn it and told me to never burn oak , because it burned terrible and smoked bad . I have old growth straight grain cedar I cut in the early 90s for kindling and its still as good as the day I cut it. hope this helped you. You will need to use a combination of other woods to get your fire going, to begin with as Russian olive does not catch fire easily. Use a combination of woods instead. It thrives with zero care. I had intended to include a reference to my location but failed to do so. My wife and I are renovating an old NE farmhouse in Massachusetts. Last night I was turning and sanding a natural edge bowl from this wood, leading to a pronounced and long-lasting allergic reaction in the airways (runny nose, asthma, ..). Throw the Ailanthus away. My wife even melted a stove once while I was at work when we were younger. Im in Melbourne, Australia. Quick AnswersContinue, A crackling fire is a great way to stay warm in the cold months, but using the right firewood is essential. I burn about 12 cords a year using a wood boiler heating house and shop. cajun, Any BTU rating for Russian olive?,, Want a masonry heater, Russian, Finish, kakelofen type, The Hearth Room - Wood Stoves and Fireplaces, Russian Fireplace / Masonry Heaterabsolute newbie. #101 Olive wood burl slab Island board charcuterie resin tray 200 yr old Rawcut. I have to say, Ive tried Red Oak and not impressed. Can I Only Use Seasoned Firewood For Burning? Eastern Hardwoods Compiled from various sources Consistency between charts will vary due to different variables between different data sources. Your email address will not be published. As temperatures warm in the Animas River Valley, this tree could become more prolific, and create a monoculture along our rivers and streams. Im still retrieving all the down stuff and will continue for a couple years, at least. Its close to soft maple on the btu chart plus I dont need to go anywhere or handle it too many times. The better your firewood has been seasoned, the better it will burn. About coal. Very smoky and almost smells acidic when it burns and it doesnt seem to produce much flame or heat. Coals are to fire as fuel, to keep it going and provide lasting heat. Though seasoning the wood for long enough will eventually make the smell dissipate. BTU rating of russian olive stihltheone Nov 23, 2009 Active since 1995, is THE place on the internet for free information and advice about wood stoves, pellet stoves and other energy saving equipment. I will burn some of the lesser wood, ie. Russian Olive | The Wood Database (Hardwood) The branches are straight-grained and pop apart easily. Wood with lots of air in it has a lower BTU content because there is less cellulose (burnable material). Remember that fires can be unpredictable, so never leave them unattended outdoors. Live Edge Russian Olive Slabs - Baldwin Hardwoods My wood cribs have steel floors to keep the wood off the ground and away from bugs, so the wood stays dry. First find you a steel bucket with a metal lid . When were rigging it out of the tree or hauling it I use the charts for douglas fir since Ive heard they are about the same density as live wood. The maple burns very well though w good hot hard coals that will last the night if I get too lazy to feed the fire at 3am. Ensure that there are enough gaps between each log to allow them to air dry effectively. Can I Only Use Seasoned Firewood For Burning? Or would it be worth the heat and not having that pile to look at anymore? It burned very hot with big blue-yellow flames and gave the best aroma . It does have thorns and it is easy to work. As previously stated by others, forget ANY cottonwood, only one or two sticks at a time for Manzanita as it is super hot. Does anyone know which of these woods produces the least ash, Oak or Pine. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. This is also the order I would rate them. Tip: Olive wood gives off a funky, unpleasant smell if it isnt given enough seasoning. They are now an invasive species that crowd out natives and suck up valuable water. --. Alex is a writer with a huge passion for the outdoors. But, as long as it burns and it sounds like it beats cottonwood and pine. I take that to mean that seasoned wood, with the same moisture content, will be pound for pound equivalent in terms of heating value but you may need to burn to 2-3x pine vs hickory. Many of its given names are based on the trees olive branch-like aesthetic. Autumn Olive - Penn State Extension Russian olive is good firewood to use when you already have the means to start a fire. Wood combustion occurs in three consecutive, overlapping stages. But older trees have tough, stringy trunks that require much more work. Is Magnolia Firewood Worth Burning? - Axe Adviser Was used centuries ago as a last rite in dwelling of certain Mohave Indian tribes when older people were near death. 2 look like the olive wood and 2 are green. does anyone know wht the heat value of tulep poplar is, I just cut down I believe it is sumac? The information was gathered by internet and talking to old timers. Being a semi professional firewood dealer here in the Redding area of the State of Jefferson, California I find a lot of mixed wood. So, give at least 1 year (12 months) for your Russian olive wood to season before use. This keeps all sparks from shooting onto our carpet. burning solid fuel !! Russian olive does have a very strong and distinctive fragrance when sawn or sanded. The fireplace is rated at a whopping 25% efficient! Do you split with a maul and wedges, or with a gas powered splitter? Something not mentioned yet that I bring from my Georgia heritage is Fat Lighter. Enjoy your fires! I seem to remember that all wood has roughly the same BTU content PER WEIGHT. Most of the smaller ones, 6 inch and under trunk size, have a beautiful purple and white heart wood, especially in the smaller branches. Seasoned and dry and Im out there every three hours. They also have little thorns on the smaller limbs. I picked up some cherry wood and have to say, Im very impressed. A couple of small pieces placed correctly provides a flame that lasts long enough to start the main fire. As a firewood enthusiast, I read with great envy about 350 acres of river bottom woods. anyone know anything about sweet gum btu value? While holiday cards often feature cute, picturesque birch rounds in the hearth, old-time Yule logs in 6th and 7th century Europe were monster tree trunks that were meant to burn all day, and in certain cultures for twelve . Out here in the West we dont have all the great hardwoods that you have there in your part of the country. I am going to try some Apple wood next to see if it matches up with the hickory. We just felled 12 mature ash trees 12 to 24 inches in diameter, and are now bucking them up and splitting them. Beautiful wood, but until it is thoroughly dried, while working with it, it smells awful my brother was making 10 inch boxes out of it and said smells like cat piss. but it is still the least discovered hardwood/cooking wood around except where they have the Orchards. I have a feeling, based on the small amount of sapwood (which is just a theory of mine) , that it is good but havent put it to the test yet. Your plants roots will love you for it! Take care when working with Russian olive, as it has thorns that can cause injuries. I recently was the recipient of some birch I can see what the btu content is, but I was wondering if anyone has burned much. So there is no net Co2 that goes into the atmosphere. Comments:Originally brought to the United States in the late 1800s for windbreaks and erosion control (and as an ornamental tree). Lots of heat and hot coals-kept us from freezing one late night at 6,000 feet in late October, while we were wasting time patroling a wildfire in NE California back in 85. Is Modesto Ash a soft or hard wood? And if its cabinets, Id guess it to be a yellow poplar. The initial smell is like a sweet-smelling perfume. The manzanita and white alder need more research. Lay small pieces of Russian olive wood in the fireplace with other types of wood. I already know seasoned oak is gonna be near the top choice because of the hot coals it produces . Its a good starter wood . Oak is also great for grilling over an outdoor fire. BTU Values of Wood Species Wood species type BTU values of a cord burning wood in a wood stove As you can see from the chart below, the famed red oak is not the highest on the list. The wood from these trees makes the greatest stove wood there is. A few of which are Wild Olive or Silver Berry. The russian olive gets it's feet in first now. Green Vs. Dry Wood - Firewood should be dried (seasoned) to 10% to 20% moisture content for best burning performance. Unlike tulip poplar firewood which releases few coals and has a short burning period. Oil? I have a rather large Bradford pear that I need to take down. Russian olive trees were recommended for many years as natural windbreaks, but have fallen out of favor in recent years. I have about a hundred of these that were cut in maintaining a power line right of way. BARK SEEMS OAKLIKE. Thorny, tough wood makes splitting difficult. In the wild, Russian olive trees have been known to smell very sweet and strong. It gets super hot and leaves a hot bed of coals. Cut off the limbs with your chainsaw. Dogwood, apple and the smaller trees burn good but are only for small fires (late spring or early fall when you dont want a fire to last all day) If you are serious about heating your home with wood just stick to these trees for the max in BTUs..they burn hot and clean. Douglas fir is a so-called mix of sorts, as stated by others. About 15 yrs ago, it warped and a 10 long split developed in it, so I had a 3/16 steel plate welded over the split, and since then, everything is hunky-dory. Green firewood only gives off about 40% of the energy of dry firewood. Its abundent where I live Northern MN. A few other elders like black locust . poplar and boxelder in the early and late months of the wood burning season but otherwise black cherry,elm, red and white oak, and the hickories. The cons are , no coal bed in the morning and it burns down a bit faster than the ash but it puts out real good heat. The shrub can grow up to 30 feet in height. THATS HOW THEY DO IT! Well-seasoned olive burns clean and produces a light and fragrant smoke. So, are Russian olives worth the trouble?
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