Richard Sowell, Jr. does anyone know how the name Cusick got to be native, I have got Cusick on both sides of my family.. some were in the states and in the civil war. Richard Sanderson, Caleb Sawyer, Thomas Sayer/Sawyer, Rebecca Sebrell, Matthew Sellers, Thomas Sessums, Darby Sexton, Thomas Sharbo, Alexander Sherrod, Robert Sherrod, Daniel Shine, John Shine, Robert Sims, Nicholas Smith, Robert Smith, Hugh Smithwick, Col. John Snoad, Capt. These documents spanned the earliest mentions of Tuscarora by English names beginning in 1695 and ending after 1831. There are several different ways we can help you find what you're looking for. Joseph Whitehead The first record I found for him is the 1840 census, which has very little information outside of who lived in the household and then he was gone by 1850 (presumed dead). Most Common Surnames in North Carolina, With Meanings - Forebears Gov. I have no males left in my Familyany Help???? Online Resources Online tools to help with genealogical research and other North Carolina related topics. According to the National Archives, the "roll was prepared by Guion Miller from 45,847 applications covering about 90,000 persons. John Wynns William Stafford (d. 1728) First Families of America are families who have been settled in the American colonies before the American Revolutionary War and/or the first families of any state. Peter Pearson, Robert Peele I, Robert Peele II,Robert Peele III, Robert Peele IV, Jacob Perry, Sr., Robert Peyton II, Samuel Pike II, Jacob Pope, George Powell, John Powell, Kader/Cader Powell, George Powers, Benjamin Pritchard, Col. Francis Pugh, Gov. Some lines, where information was available, are taken down to the 9th generation. Advice on the first three steps of sound genealogical research: getting organized, beginning with census and vital records; and extending your search to more detailed sources. Mailing: She is not listed on a y census that I can find as Native, but family understood her to be Tuscarora. Jasper Hardison Grace (Bennett) Hill But it is confusing. first families of north carolina surnames 1. Tuscarora People Identified in Land and Other Transactions,, Borderlands Deeds and the Cain Surname | Native Heritage Project,,,, John Small John Powell While in the process of setting up the Tuscarora DNA project, I needed to find the names of the Tuscarora Indians who are documented in North Carolina before their removal to New York and in New York. Not sure if a lot of records were destroyed at the time. George Powell Capt. An index of resources from military records to census materials and beyond that can help you with your family history research project. Robert Coleman The 1870 federal population census, the first on which former slaves are listed by name, can be confusing because individuals with shared surnames may be family members or former owners.Even if one knows that an ancestor was born during slavery, work . Arnold White, Jr. John Brown I am a descendant of one Kizziah Souther. Thomas Symons Cader Powell Col. John Snoad Giovanni da Verrazonoa was the first European explorer of North Carolina in 1524. William Sexton Contact the archivists at the State Archives for more information about how to begin your genealogical research. Robert Campen Solomon Alston document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Indigenous people were listed as black, mulatto, colored, negro..depending on the actual time. Jacob Perry, Sr. What does your dna test say and where did you have it done at. James Spier, Jr. After checking outtheir genealogy FAQs, you cancontact the library's genealogy expertsthrough the library's website. 1 Caswell 1 Catawba 1 Chatham 2 Cherokee 1 Chowan 2 Currituck 2 Dare 1 Davidson 4 Duplin 1 Durham 2 Edgecombe 2 Forsyth 11 Gaston 1 Graham 1 Granville 8 Guilford 15 Halifax 1 Haywood 1 Iredell 9 Jackson 1 Johnston Jones Lenoir Lincoln Mecklenburg New Hanover Orange Pender Perquimans Person Pitt Randolph Richmond Robeson Rockingham Rowan 8 Benjamin Boykin Your email address will not be published. John Rutland Something tells me they served their communities. Charity (Alston) Dawson Joseph Barnes Henry Phelps II German Speaking People West of the Catawba River in North Carolina 1750 . William Horn Needham Bryan II Vol. Israel Joyner John Sawyer of Bermuda This is where my information ends. Luke Hollowell Some Colonial and Revolutionary Families of North Carolina. Treatment of the ancestor depends upon what is know of him or her, but mostly includes a full first and second generation, down to the fourth, with drop-charts describing descent to member. George Fort II William Hooks, Jr. Dr. Patrick Maule Jonathan Jarvis John Nelson III Covers everything from detailed looks at using specific types of records for genealogical research to quick weekly tips on how to jump start your family history research project. (Perhaps there is truth to this lore?) Benjamin Ricks He was hung by the Adamance River in NC along with five other men in 1771. Henry/Hendry Smith To learn more, view our full privacy policy. I wonder if she was adopted? A bus camera captured the near miss as it happened on Thursday morning. Ill have to recheck this. Darby Sexton This article will examine some of the families who entered Wilkes County during the years 1777-1779. Thomas Hoskins, Jr. John Woodhouse Joshua Herring James Draughon Could you please tell me if the surname Wilson was ever a Tuscarora name. In 1889, there were total of 404 Tuscarora and in 1890, 392. Edmund Smithwick John Shackelford, Jr. William Whitfield . Nicholas Isler This link says he was a Chief of the Tuscarora but doesnt say either of his parents were Native American, trying to figure it out. Hello, is anyone familiar with the Jumper family that were Tuscarora? surnames (North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, and Kentucky) Brass Ankles (South Carolina) Carmel Indians (Ohio) Cubans (North Carolina) Guineas (West Virginia Melungeon) Lumbee/Croatan Indian (North and South Carolina) Pamunkey/Powhatan Indians (Virginia) Redbones (Louisiana via the Carolinas) Melungeon and Joseph Mayo She wouldve been my sixth great grandmother. Order of First Families of North Carolina - Smith Harper Thomas Elliott An example of uncovering indigenous roots. Matthew Seller Black Dutch (genealogy) Black Dutch is a term with several different meanings in United States dialect and slang. Joell Martin Robert West, Jr. Thomas G. Anderson was born in New York City in 1835. Nathaniel Sutton Sam Smith is my direct line on maternal side- yet finding information on him is complicated Yet you say he he was a Chief.. can you give a direction for research?? Paul Phillips Abraham Hobbs Thomas Avent The Tuscarora have little knowledge but have suggested I come look through paperwork. I believe it is possible my female ancestor is from this group. ANY help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have been told that my gggrandmother on my Jones grandfathers side, (I have her death certificate and she is listed as negro) Martha Ann Taylor Jones was Native American. Jeremiah Hilliard Thomas Bateman I Nicholas Sessums John Bright (of Currituck) Surnames from the NC group, excluding the NY chiefs, include Allen, Basket(t), Blount/Blunt, Bridgers, Cain, Charles, Cope, Cornelius, Dennis, George, Gibson/Gipson, Hancock, Harry, Hicks/Hix, Howett/Hewett, Jack, James (may be first name only), Joe as in Capt. James Long III My family is Native and lived in Maryland in 1800. Christopher, Baron de Graffenreid 2. James Boone Samuel Swann Edmund Pearce, Sr. The following publications authored by the Orders Genealogist, John A. Brayton, are available. James Long I Ceely Ann Keziah daughter of Sandifer Keziah, unknown Tuscarora Father. My great great grandfathers name was William Cope. Samuel Harrell Daniel Jackson, Sr. Ann (Bigg) Batchelor Fewox The Carolina charter was declared null and void in 1706, and Carolinas were divided into two provinces, with governors, in 1712. I was told she and her daughter were both Tuscarora. John Barrow Corrections and Additions to Vol. John Bass My gggrandmother was Kizzie (Kizziah) Ann Seely Russell, she was told to have said she was named after the Old Ones to keep them in remembrance. Darby Sullivant (1669 - 1715) - Genealogy - geni family tree Aaron Albertson Heres a link to numerous Native American resources:, That is what I am thinking, Solomans son, Soloman was one of my grandfathers, I believe there may be a Rueben? Col. Joseph Bryan Robert Turner 27:3 (Fall 2002), I also found a Chief Thomas Howell who signed to sell part of the Woods reservation in NC to move to NY. 2. Jonathan Pearson John Morrison As for dnahmmmfnative american dna uses western tribes as the standard. Search our database to determine if you are one of the proud descendants of the Cherokee Indian blood line. Could you be a little more specific in the region involved? John Yelverton, Jr. Welcome to my Croom Family Genealogy Site. Index to Vital Statistics - Deaths Iredell 1913-1965. Mr. Small, my G grandmother was Clara Small and I am a Ruffin and the Smalls, Bonds and Smallwoods are said to be related families so if you find any info on anyone from the India Woods area please send me an email ( sirthanks in advance!! Francis Shackelford looks like you will have to copy and paste this into your browser, Sketches The Concessions and Agreements of Albermarle Province were written in 1665 with the name being changed to North Carolina in 1691. Nearly 1,500 Bible records (lists of birth, marriage, and death information written in North Carolina family Bibles) from the 2000+ copies of various donated family Bibles held by the State Archives of North Carolina. Did they then resume their original name? North Carolina Compiled Genealogies FamilySearch My family ended up in EUREKA, TX. She was born c.1905 in Lewiston, Niagara County. Most Popular Names. John Barclift Rebecca (Sebrell) Pretlow William Pridgen Corrections and Additions to Vol. Richard Davenport William Merritt Thomas Loftin Esther (Kirby) Ricks Robert Hodges John Bond I have a book called Seven Generations of Iroquois Leadership, Lt. Cornelius Cusick is in it.. on the front page of the book is a picture of him and he looks as English as an English man can, he is wearing an army coat with medals , he was born on the Tuscarora Reserve.. his grandfather was Nicholas Kaghnatsho Cusick.. 1.16 T. 1.17 U. John Fonville I am descending from Kizzie Ann Seel(e)y Russell, my gggrandmother. Anthony Haskett, Sr. Charles Smith, Sr. Many early North Carolina families are named on - East Carolina Roots Are there any Deal surnames for Tuscarora Natives.Supposedly my Ancestor Jonas Bird married a women thought to be Tuscarora native. Thomas Graves Thomas Peirce Places; Login. Henry Robinson, Jr. There were 11 last names reported by more than one million individuals: Smith, Johnson, Williams, Brown, Jones, Garcia, Miller, Davis, Rodriguez, Martinez, and Hernandez. Thomas Horn 2ndEdition, 2014. His descendants live mostly in Oregon and Washington. John Holmes Philip Alston This broad-strokes guide will help you learn about the history of your home. I am looking for information on the Anderson family. George Coburn, Jr. William Elliott Im a Brooks and my Smiths are Tuscarora but cant figure out where the Tuscarora Smiths line starts. Much new information taken from now available chancery suits at the Library of Virginia has been included. Moses Horn Simon Anderson What do you know of the Strickland name? Thanks. The five Chickamauga Cherokee were in the towns of Runningwater, Nickajack, Chickamauga, Tinsawatie, and Elijay were closely aligned with the Spanish and fought with other Cherokee who were friendly with the British. Order of First Families of North Carolina - Registry of Ancestors Vol. 2ndprinting, 2014, softcover. How or is there a record of the genealogy of the Native tribes in eastern Carolina? Ebenezer Slade I have researched my Strickland line back to the Sizeburgh Castle, yet I know that there is Native in our line due to the fact it shows in my mothers DNA results. See More on What the Archives Has to Offer, North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, An official website of the State of North Carolina, Advisory Council on Film, Television, and Digital Streaming, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion, county records related to bonds, courts, land, marriage, wills and estates, and taxes, Contact the archivists at the State Archives. 4640 Mail Service Center, Hello, Im new. I have limited records of my direct relative Joseph Nichols, Iborn EST 1735 Indian Woods, Tuscarora Reservation, Bertie County, North Carolina died AFT 1817 Scott County, Virginia.but little else. William Barclift I Smith was listed as an executor, so may have been a surname from before leaving North Carolina. James Farlee, Sr. Robert Peele III Required fields are marked *. please let me know. Thomas Dudley I am the 5th great granddaughter of Dake Boston,( Tuscarora) her granddaughter was Elizabeth Boston Brooks who married a Tuscarora, George Washington Brooks who was bonded out and fought with the Confederates. Robert Patterson Sarah (Reeves) Hicks David Shephard II Its meaning varies and such differences are contingent upon time and place. Benjamin Small Samuel Ruffin Edward Smithwick North Carolina to South Carolina, South Carolina to Tenneesee to Kentucky. William Weston A searchable database of the indexes of the published volumes of North Carolina Troops, 1861-1865: A Roster" that can help you locate information on your Civil War ancestors. here is the link if interested. William Willson (of Northampton) First Families of America | Familypedia | Fandom Im looking for more information on Blount/Blunt Surname. Effy only had two children that took the name Small. Any help with this info a out this amazing marriage / couple would be appreciated. Nobody who resembled Sitting Bull ran through the southeastern part of the United States. Aaron Albertson, William Albertson, John Aldridge, Col. Thomas Avent, William Baldwin, John Barclift, William Barclift I, William Bartlet/Barclift II, John Barrow, William Barrow,XEdmund Bellinger I,Edmund Bellinger II, John Belman, Grace Bennett, Benjamin Blount, Sr., James Blount, Jr., Thomas Blount II, Samuel Boutwell, John Boyce, Francis Boykin, William Bright, John Brown, Thomas Brown, William Brown, William Bryan, William Bush, Edward Cannon, William Carraway, Sr., Samuel Charles, Sr., Timothy Clare, John Clarke I, John Clarke II, Major Clarke, Thomas Cook, John Coward, Capt. Surnames, Mitchell, and Reynolds. William Stafford (d. 1765) I believe he is the Native American. Evan Jones, Sr. John Herring, Jr. She was supposed to be a cousin. John Baner Edward Vail John Hardy Benjamin Pritchard William Bailey Samuel Freeman William Nicholson I cant get any further in than thisso it kind of seems a shame to spend so much money on info I already know and cant get back any further. In 1663, King Charles changed the spelling of the name to Carolina In 1729, King George II took Carolina over and split it into North Carolina and South Carolina. I am looking for lineage on the Chief Samuel Smith line if anyone knows where to find it. Black Dutch (genealogy) - Wikipedia Start here! John Hinton 1 are the following:John Alston, Sr., of Chowan Co., NC;William Bennettof Northampton Co., NC;JohnandJames Drakeof Bertie Co., NC, andJohn Collins; Gov. Edmund Bellinger, Landgrave Most of the Croom families and some Crooms, Groom and Grooms families detailed on these pages descend respectively from three sons of Daniel Croom of Virginia: Abel, Major and Jesse. David Perkins Capt. Joe, Lawson (possibly), Lightwood/Litewood, Littlejohn (possibly), Lloyd, Miller, Mitchell, Netop, Oin/Owen/Owin/Owens/Owins, Pagett (possibly), Pugh, Randell/Randall, Rash, Rice or Hill, Robarts/Robards/Roberts, Rogers/Rodgers/Roggers, Seneca/Senicar, Smith, Sockey, Squarehooks (possibly), Stone, Strawberry, Taylor, Thomas/Tommas/Tomas, Tuf(f)dick, Tyler (possibly), Walker, Wheeler/Whealter/Wheatter, Whitmeal/Whitmell, Wiggians/Wiggins/Wigans, Wineoak, Yollone Bible records, indexed marriage and death announcements and copies of genealogical research donated to the Government and Heritage Library all fully searchable and available online. Thomas Hobbs Moses Rountree They always cited the darker complexion of Malinda in pictures as proof. MY NAME IS BILLY NEAL RASH, SR. DO YOU KNOW WHAT OUR SURNAME CAME FOR OR ANYTHING. The surname in Tuscarora goes back to at least 1685 on the Roanoke River in land deeds, court records etc. Thank You. 46. Robert Beasley The name has various spellings and includes GRAY and GREY - sometimes different spellings occur in the same generation of a single family.The first Gray to arrive in the United States was John Gray in about 1620.The origins of the name would seem to be multiple. Fully documented sketches of the third set of ancestors (125) used by members of the OFFNC, complete with a documented list of children and their spouses. Registry of Ancestors. Box 1629. As evidenced by the modern-day Highland Games, these Scots and their families migrated to other parts of the state, where aspects of their culture . Samuel Newby Scottish Settlers | NCpedia Im lookimg for Mary Dennis, born around 1784 in the Bertie County area. Munroe, John Cuthbert. You may notice thattwo of these names, Miller and Smith, arenames that were also in common between the NC group and the War of 1812 records. The entries below have been taken from transcriptions of the 1790 Federal Census for several eastern North Carolina counties. Nicholas Daw Thomas Keile John Jenkins William Craven was born in the village of Appletreewick near Skipton in the year 1548. Barnaby McKinne I am trying to do my tree too. Thomas Jarvis William Drummond, Christopher Dudley,George Durant, John Edwards, Robert Ellis, Sir Richard Everard, Nathaniel Everitt, George Fort,John Freeman, Jr., Thomas Futrell II, Henry Gibbs, Sr., Rev. Leonard Loftin My question for anyone who knows is about Tuscarora marriage and naming practices. John Archbell Ancestor Biographies: Rev. John Smithwick Thomas Parker Heres a link that tells about DNA testing for Native people. They are descendants from a Tuscarora Margaret Roberts born around 1725. Stephens parents could possibly have been Amos Owen / Owens and Rachel Seward. John Dew II I am looking for any information on the parents of Roger Pugh and Hattie Pugh. Native American Literary History, John Bobbitt Roger Snell, Jr. Create a free website or blog at Edward Rutland Richard Williford I Joseph Morris Benjamin Laker I am a descendent of that line. Her father was Wesson Taylor and mother Harriet Ross of Pitt county. A New and Correct Map of the Province of North Carolina Henry Stanton, Jr. ing i.e. North Carolina Early 1700s 3861 members The surnames of the Tuscarorapeople who returned to NC from NY to deal with land sales and negotiations include: Abraham (may be first name only), Big Fish, Billy, Casie, Chew,Cusick, Jack, Jacob, Johnson, Jones, Green, King (as in Young King), Lewis (may be firstname only),Longboard, Lovedenny, Mt Pleasant, Printup/Prantup, Sacarusa, Sachem (may be a description, not a surname),Smith, Thomas (may be first name only), Warchief,William (may be first name only). Jacob Barnes pp. (You may feel free to photocopy all . John Williston These were John Mackintosh Moore, John Mackintosh, Roland McDonald, John McDonald, John MacLean, John McIntosh, John McIntosh Bain, James Mackay, Daniel Clark, Alex Clark, I. Burgess, D. Clark, Jr., A. McBain, Wm. The State Archives has many materials in its holding that are useful for genealogical research, including county records related to bonds, courts, land, marriage, wills and estates, and taxes. Good luck, I hope you can find out if your ancestor is related. Thomas Rountree Matthew Spivey William Bryan Thomas Brown North Carolina, the Old North State and the new Ancestry. Married a Lamb in Robeson Co. in the 1840s. James Drake John Freeman Any additional information would be appreciated. John Sumner Edward Trotman Considerable information added to ancestors in the first two volumes. James Beasley, Jr. Joseph Fulford, Sr. Start here! George Sutton I Richard Graves Registry of Ancestors. William Strickland Major Clarke Jacob Overman I , see Susan Kalter, Finding a Place for David Cusick in Page 59-60. William Brown Nearly 16 million Americans have one of these 11 last names. Anthony Haskett, Jr. However, it is not at all clear looking at her parents charts on Ancestry. 2.1 Books. William Haskett John Hinnant I Thomas Bateman II Are we talking about the same William Cain or Cane? Thank you. North Carolina Family History Online Bible records, indexed marriage and death announcements and copies of genealogical research donated to the Government and Heritage Library all fully searchable and available online. Elias Stallings, Sr. William Jennings John Cannon Elias Fort Scots to Colonial North Carolina Before 1775 - Dalhousie Lodge Discover your DNA story and unlock the secrets of your ancestry and genealogy with our DNA kits for ancestry and the world's most comprehensive DNA database. The Smalls are not related to the Smallwood s. But most of those names are in Johnston County. Susannah (_____) Travis State Government websites value user privacy. Online tools to help with genealogical research and other North Carolina related topics. Yes you are correct, I am a descendant of the musket oh yeah, also Machapungo and the mattamuskeet also I would love to talk with you by phone,really! Moses Tyson Francis Parker Transatlantic origins are given where known, and colonial origins discussed. John Henby, Sr. Thomas Sutton . James Farlee Robert Warburton Mathias Tobias Swanner John Blount (1765) John Edwards Thomas Sawyer (d. 1720) John Lawrance I Richard Bounds Thank You. Francis Rountree William Bright,William Bryan, Edward Cannon, John Coward, John Davenport, Sr., William Gause/Goss, Thomas Graves, William Horn, Arthur Jordan, Joseph Lane, Sr., Leonard Loftin, Thomas Mewborn/Mewboorn, John Porter, Jr./Sr., Christian Sloback, Benjamin Small, Robert Turner. Records and help are hard to come by. Nathaniel Albertson I'm John Croom. Farnifold Green I John Hassell, Sr. Thomas Weeks Joseph Poitevint My ggggrandfather was a Solomon Allen. Of the people in the 1888-1889 census, very few surnames were found when the Tuscarora residedin North Carolina, but those few include Hewett, Jack, Miller, Smith and Seneca.
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