Lent at St. Philip's Lent at St. Philip's Mission Mondays Pipe Organ Installation Our Schedule has been updated with new changes See updated schedule Upcoming at St. Philip's Social Concerns Committee. //-->. For more information go to 40daysforlife.com. Schedule of Games. Normally, we go about life in a fairly routine way. Bilingual Stations of the Cross is offered every Friday evening during Lent after the 7pm Mass, followed by Adoration. The Church must be a place of mercy freely given, where everyone can feel welcomed, loved, forgiven and encouraged to live the good life of the Gospel. Pope Francis, (The Joy of the Gospel, 114). July 2023. The word assumption comes from the Latin word Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: Imagine if you were to never grow hungry or never thirst again? So, throughout the centuries writers and artists have struggled to come up with an adequate image to represent the Spirit. January 2023 January 1 to January 8, 2023 January 8 to January 15, 2023 The Mass token is a specific word that is given during the Mass by the Priest or in the announcements, it can be given at the beginning in the middle or at the end of the Mass. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do on this Read More, Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners, It might come as a surprise to you that in this short and tranquil gospel, which is proclaimed on New Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK Dear Parishioners, Christmas is a great Christian feast, a day on which we remember the birth of Jesus who we believe is Savior and Lord. St. Philip and St. Clare Knights of Columbus Council 11825 heldits 6th annual charity raffle draw on Sunday, February 26, 2023 at St. Philip Parish Hall. Church Hours & Directions. Most needed items: cereal, pork & beans, canned peas, canned corn, shampoo and bar soap. The Bulletin is a weekly newsletter of St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church. Saint Peter was already looking up his record in the Read More, FROM THE PASTORS DESK My Dear Parishioners: Fr. Tuesday 4:00 pm Esta actitud egosta pone un carcter condicional en nuestro amor que es muy diferente del amor incondicional de Dios. Welcome to St. Philip Catholic Church. Please be patient. 1573 Elaine Rd Columbus, OH 43227 614-237-1671 Daily Office Hrs 9-1 Masses Monday & Thursday 9 a.m. Saturday 4:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-12-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-22-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-11-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-4-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-20-2021, Revised St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-28-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-3-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-20-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-13-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-6-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-23-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-16-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-2-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-4-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-26-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-19-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-5-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-29-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-15-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-8-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-1-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-25-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-18-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-4-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-20-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-13-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-6-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-30-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-23-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-16-2022, St. Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-9-2022, St. Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-2 -2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-25-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-18-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-11-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-28-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-21-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-14-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-7-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-31-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-24-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-17-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-10-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-3-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-26-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-19-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-12-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-5-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-29-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-22-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-15-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-8-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-1-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-24-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-17-2022, -St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-10-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-3-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-27-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-20-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-13-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-6-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-27-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-20-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-13-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-6-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-30-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-23-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-16-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-9-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-2-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-26-2021, 2021 Advent and Christmas service dates and times, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-19-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-12-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-5-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-28-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-21-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-14-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-7-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-31-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-24-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-17-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-10-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-3-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-26-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-19-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-12-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-5-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-29-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-22-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-15-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-8-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-1-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-25-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-18-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-11-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-4-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-27-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-13-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-6-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-23-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-16-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-9-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-2-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-25-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-18-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-11-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-4-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-28-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-21-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-14-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-7-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-28-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-21-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-14-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-7-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-31-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-24-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-17-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-10-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-3-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-27-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-20-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-13-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-6-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-29-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-22-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-15-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-8-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-1-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-25-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-18-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-11-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-4-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-27-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-20-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-13-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-6-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-30-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-23-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-16-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-9-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-2-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-26-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-19-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-12-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-5-2020 (2), St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-28-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-21-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-14-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-7-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-31-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-24-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-17-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-10-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-3-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-26-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-19-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-12-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-5-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-29-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-22-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-15-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-8-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-1-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-23-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-16-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-9-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-2-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-26-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-19-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-12-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-5-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-29-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-22-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-15-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-8-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-1-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-24-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-17-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-10-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-3-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-27-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-20-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-13-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-6-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-29-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-22-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-15-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-8-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-1-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-25-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-18-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-11-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-4-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-28-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-21-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-14-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-7-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-30-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-23-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-16-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-9-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-2-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-26-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-19-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-12-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-5-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-28-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-21-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-14-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-7-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 03-31-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-24-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-17-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-10-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-3-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-24-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-17-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-10-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-3-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-27-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-20-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-13-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-6-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-30-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-23-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-16-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-09-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-2-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-25-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-18-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-11-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-04-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-28-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-21-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-14-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-07-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-30-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-23-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-16-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-09-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-02-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-26-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-19-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-12-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-05-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-29-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-22-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-15-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-8-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-1-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-24-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-17-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-10-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-03-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-27-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-20-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-13-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-6-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-29-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-22-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-15-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-8-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-1-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-25-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-18-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-11-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-4-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-25-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-18-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-11-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-4-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-28-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-21-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-14-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-7-2018, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-31-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin12-24-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-17-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-10-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-3-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-26-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-19-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-11-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-5-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-29-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-22-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-8-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-01-7, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-24-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-17-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-10-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-24-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-18-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-11-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-4-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-28-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-22-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-14-1, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-7-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-30-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-23-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin EASTER 4-16-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-09-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-02-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-26-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-19-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-11-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-26-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-19-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-12-1, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-5-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-29-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-22-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-15-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-8-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-1-17, March 12, 2015 Lenten Morning of Reflection.
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Eric Weglarz Leaves Wmur,
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