The services set an availability rate goal of 65%. Everything wiped the same with TV, Newspapers etc. D, whose team secured the gold and valuables. In addition to the smaller footprint, we are seeing significant performance improvements in ALIS such as data processing and synchronization times 2-3 times faster than ever seen before, Fick wrote in testimony. We need to continue to improve the functionality of ALIS in the near term, as we ensure that the ODIN structure that we put into place, from a hardware perspective, from a data environment perspective, and from a software perspective, is what the users need, Fick told lawmakers during the hearing. The only intelligence will be Military Intelligence. I worked with the design team to create an . Basically every created by the UK Royals/Crown/Rothschilds is now null & void. In January 2022, it released a report specifically about availability rates of aircraft in the Air Force and the Navy. At all times be very polite, do not get angry, or arrogant because if you do you might not be able to exchange or redeem and you will not be able to go to another center to do it. Report text available as: TXT; OE Data Integration Network (ODIN) is the authoritative digital resource for the Worldwide Equipment Guide (WEG), Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) and accompanying Force Structures,. The military also arrested 13-demon-bloodline families, Mafia heads, the Pope and 350 personnel in the Vatican. The original designers of the F-35 had just such an extreme scenario in mind when they drafted the initial requirement documents, and it is the ability to persevere in this type of extreme scenario for which the American people are paying the premium price of the F-35 program. This is why we are moving away from Oil, Gas & Fuel to Tesla Wireless Technology. About | The Odin Project The tunnels were found to contain millions of tortured children, whole cities and human experiment laboratories that included Adrenochrome and organ harvesting. In an unprecedented move, DOT&E is concealing many of the key details of the F-35s poor performance. Note:Readers can save 10% off their first order using promo codeINTEL10, Pure Body Extra Strength (Cellular Detox). The office was set up to be independent of the services, said Tom Christie, DOT&E during George W. Bushs first term. F. International Child Sex Trafficking Ring: SOUND OF FREEDOMtells the true story of Tim Ballard of Operation Underground Railroad, who fights child trafficking. The report concluded that the aircraft fleets of the Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps (part of the Department of the Navy), declined across the board but that the decline was more marked in the Navy. [Test & Evaluation] continued to show that DOD networks and systems supporting critical missions are not secure, he wrote. Only intelligence staying is military. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. Aaron Uncategorized September 13, 2021 2 Minutes. Danielle, Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes - YouTube glhs837 Power with Control Jan 11, 2021 #2 Let us fast and pray for these millions of little ones who were right now being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door. A fighter jet program that cant get off the ground is of limited value. The ODIN Base Kit weighs approximately 202 pounds, which does make the system more deployable. For the first time ever, the testing office created a non-public controlled unclassified information version of its report, and although there is much overlap between the two versions, the meaningful details about the ever-troubled program are only included in the non-public one. Charles Rios Experts offer their predictions. ), The Most Advanced Node in the 21st Century Warfare, The Most Lethal, Survivable, And Connected Fighter Jet Ever Built, Autonomic Logistics Information System (ALIS), described the Joint Simulation Environment, Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E), F-35 Changes Needed While Still in Infancy. Move the Federal agencies outside of DC area and put them in California, Michigan, Kansas, etc. Along with the delays come extra costs. Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of April 22, 2021, US Under Military Law, Congress Arrested, War With CCP Won and No One Knows It | Politics | Before Its News,, Congress, Biden Arrested as Military Rescues Tortured Children From Tunnels Beneath Capitol Hill | Politics | Before Its News, The Underground War Happening Now Part 2 YouTube,,, Trafficked Children, Bodies, Weapons Found on Evergreen Ship Blocking Suez Canal | Politics | Before Its News,,, Q: Trump Card! Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 12 May 2021 For the past seven years, a team led by the Navy has labored to build the facility, called the Joint Simulation Environment (JSE), at Marylands Naval Air Station Patuxent River. This is how everything under the Rothschilds Central Bank System is also wiped. A. Thurs. For now, the biggest flaw of the F-35 program may not be a vulnerability to an enemy weapon, but the programs own information architecture. 19 April Market opening all international markets, including the US Stock Market and Dollar Index, were in the red and imploding. Significant operational deficiencies (classified) were identified by the operational test units and field units in CY2020 [calendar year 2020] that required software modifications, the non-public report stated. Dollars so they could continue their Covid-19 fake agenda. If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, it is included in the monthly subscription. For years, ALIS has ranked as one of the F-35 enterprises biggest headaches. Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of April 22, 2021 Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 4, 2023, Biden, Harris, Milley Charged with Treason, Tribunals at White House, Mass Arrests, Martial Law, Day 1 of Clintons Military Tribunal at GITMO, Restored Republic via a GCR as of May 1, 2021, Video Transcript: Romana Didulo, Sovereign Head of State of the Republic of Canada || Kat. A fighter jet program that cant get off the ground is of limited value. The F-35s engine assembly, canopy, and stealth coating are a few of the components listed as the top drivers of the longer-than-planned repairs. We are also focused on disclosing extraterrestrial contact and humanitys lost ancient origins. Its no wonder that President Trump has stated, These people are sick.K. Trust the Plan. The Black Swan Events would occur through the first weeks of May: Just prior to the Emergency Broadcast System taking over Mass Media there was expected to be a Cyber Attack and fake Nuclear Scare Event. Each test aircraft is equipped with instruments that register how the onboard mission systems react when triggered by a radar signal or other threat. The unit was formed in Texas, and first deployed in October 2006. Although Raymond OToole, who was the acting testing director when the reports were released, defended the creation of a non-public version of the unclassified report by saying Ithought it very important to provide Congress and the Secretary the test evaluation details that shouldnt wind up in our adversaries hands, hence the new CUI version of the annual report, this is disingenuous at best. Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to get you up-to-date on the latest conspiracies and to provide raw unvetted information from various sources. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them. DOT&E produced three versions of the 2021 report: a classified version, a publicly released unclassified version, and a newer third version stamped Controlled Unclassified Information. ODIN - OE Data Integration Network Second, the entire F-35 enterprise relies on a complicated global spares pool scheme that makes F-35 operators around the world, including the United States, compete against each other for replacement parts. F-35 Program Stagnated in 2021 but DOD Testing Office Hiding - POGO The difference in the level of detail in each report is obvious even in just the section heading for the F-35. Ie Mossad/CIA & 5Eyes. What We Think We Know as of Thurs. RIVERDALE, Md. Task Force ODIN - Wikipedia H. Our Military Intel Contact on Exchange/ Redemption Instructions: Safe link websites were the only way to obtain personal 800 numbers so you could secure an appointment at a Redemption Center and ask for the higher exchange/ redemption rates. >>>>>PROJECT ODIN<<<<< MILITARY SPACE FORCE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OPERATION CONNECTED TO STARLINK SATS. The reporting system often produced bad data that required administrators to spend time on tedious workarounds. The Joint Simulation Environment is important even beyond the programs operational testing phase. She previously worked the Navy/congressional beats for Defense Daily, which followed almost three years as a staff writer for National Defense Magazine. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website. If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, you cansubscribe via the PayPal Subscribe button located on the site. But without knowing what the design flaws were or how they were resolved, it is difficult to gauge if real progress was made. Ficks testimony did not address when the program office intends to restart ODIN software development efforts, saying only that the JPO will update its plan based on available funding, inputs from the services and its finalized strategy for migrating from ALIS to ODIN. . Leveraging AI based technology to transform the future of - Europa Executive Order 13959 3 Gorge Dam in Singapore 23 minutes. If you ask for the contract rates you might need a humanitarian project or investment in the international Humanitarian projects they will present to you. The rest will follow suit. Months in advance Satan worshippers planned for their holidays by kidnapping children and teens, while commonly perpetrators impregnated children and teens to produce their own victims. The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites., Out of the Shadows Documentary: Out Of Shadows (Documentary), Pedo-Empire Website, 5 Books, 49 chapters Free Online:, Satanic pedophilia:, CV-19 and CV-19 Vaccine Videos: (Reader) Very Interesting and Impacting Must See Videos as of April 21, 2021 | Operation Disclosure Official, Mask Mandates for Children Mostly Harmful: Professor of Medicine, After Son Takes His Own Life, Father Warns Against Extended Pandemic Lockdowns, South Dakotas Noem Bans Vaccine Passports, Petition to Undo Whitmers COVID-19 Executive Orders Has Enough Valid Signatures, FDA Examination Finds Substandard Conditions at Contractors Plant for J&J Vaccine Production. Those charts helpfully spelled out the acronyms and provided actual data rather than opaque trend arrows. i had seen great review about odin project and comments that says even if other language is your target, you should do . Vindman is seeking $12 million for his project, with $2 million for initial operating capability and $10 million The Event: Military joint ops. Program leaders abandoned the efforts to complete the troubled Autonomic Logistics Information System (ALIS) and instead decided to build a new network called Operational Data Integrated Network (ODIN). The Odin Project - 2 weeks in - Coding with Aaron - DEV Community The Internet would be rebooted with everything wiped clean and no more Operation Mockingbird or Microsoft. The two US governments: (1) a legitimate Interim Military US Government empowered by the Constitution and the Department of Defense under Military Code 11.3, and (2) an illegal, fraudulent foreign paid-for, foreign controlled (on the foreign ground of the District of Columbia) Biden Administration. The F-35s Initial Operational Test & Evaluation master plan calls for 64 test scenarios to be flown by pilots in the simulator. D. Thurs. In addition, The JPO and Lockheed Martin established a contract that captured data rights, frequent software deliveries, and proper data marking for modern software development, Fick stated in testimony. If the facility cant work properly, the formal operational testing plan will either have to be amended or cut off prematurely. Debts, Mortgages, Taxes, Vaccines etc all become illegal. The public version of the report (top), states the F-35 program identified deficiencies requiring software modifications and additional time and resources. The non-public version (bottom) details these deficiencies. The Bunker, written by national security analyst Mark Thompson, is both pro-troop and pro-taxpayer. 4-22-2021 | Prophecy | Before Its News (,,,, (Reader) Very Interesting and Impacting Must See Videos as of April 21, 2021 | Operation Disclosure Official,, RAW: Dr. Colin Ross Robert David Steele,, War Profiteer Alexander Vindman Pushes for American Troops in Ukraine! & Russian MiL. My name is Patrick DaCosta (TerraZetzz is my moniker). I expect to be working with many of you in the near future. The . Jeffrey Epstein and his sidekick Maxwell had given up maps of the global tunnel system a major income producer for the Cabal. You do not have to take the default package if you would rather go for a higher rate to cover what you need for your projects. This is information the public must have in order to pressure policymakers to correct the problems that, if uncorrected, could harm U.S. service members and the U.S. national defense mission. They can no longer transfer monies. Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Thurs. Key Points: Alexander Vindman is heading a group called Trident Support, which wants to send American military contractors to Ukraine. Since its inception, it has helped many students get hired as developers and has assisted countless others in learning enough programming to work on their own personal projects. We would then have GESARA Blockchain Elections that would serve governments 10% the size of what they currently were with all new people. Operation Odin's Watch Official Trailer - 506th IR RU 2021 Deployment - ArmA 3 Jester814 180K subscribers Subscribe 422 6.9K views 1 year ago After a long year of international turmoil, the. Project Odin Switched on. The U.S. Navy is set to begin land-based testing of a "a high-energy laser weapon" later this year, continuing a trend towards lasers being used by the branch. Task Force ODIN, whose name is an acronym for observe, detect, identify, and neutralize, is a United States Army aviation battalion created in August 2006 to conduct reconnaissance, surveillance and target acquisition (RSTA) operations to combat insurgent operators of improvised explosive devices in Iraq.. That scheme quickly fell apart as designers and the testing teams could not keep up with such an aggressive schedule. The Marine Corps fleet of short takeoff and landing F-35Bs and the Navys fleet of F-35Cs, which are tailored for use on aircraft carriers, lag far behind. Gesara = 1000 yrs of peace, no more wars. Task Force ODIN: In the Valleys of the Blind - Defense Industry Daily And it doesnt get better from there. The problems with ALIS became so acute that Pentagon leaders decided in 2020 to scrap the entire project and replace it with a new cloud-based system called the Operational Data Integrated Network, or ODIN. #TrumpNation #socialnetwork #odinmy PayPal[]box story Rumble Capture of the vessels pretty much wiped out funds for the Cabal and Chinese Communist Party. Service officials based plans on the promised performance rather than on the demonstrated performance and so underestimated the maintenance depot capacity they were going to need to repair broken engines. The minutes of one such meeting held in 2018 showed that the board downgraded a Category I deficiency to a Category II with no plan to correct.. Patience is a Virtue. Take all of you currencies with you starting with the highest down to the lowest. . DOT&E reports that it continued to be a problem in 2021 because the systemic issues have not been addressed. Benjamin Fulford Report: It is Payback Time April 19, 2021, And We Know 3.4.23: Pepe Represents, We are the News, Truth is Spreading, there is Hope. That information is vital to determine how effective the program truly is. . The testing office made no mention at all about the programs mission capable rates or the even more relevant performance metric for a multi-role aircraft like the F-35, full mission capable rates. Improving DODs cybersecurity posture will require network defenders, system users, and mission commanders to be equipped with innovative tools and training to successfully detect and rapidly respond to nation-state cyber-attacks., F-35 boosters worked diligently to reassure Congress and the American people that the programs all-encompassing maintenance and logistics network, the Autonomic Logistics Information System (ALIS) would work as advertised and transform the way the services would perform maintenance. I already know the fundamentals of HTML and CSS, however I figure it is good to review it from time to time. NZ has now broken away. If all went as planned the UST would declare Value Day and Tier 4B notifications could come out and exchanges-redemptions start in a window that extended over the next 24-36-48 hours. Sat. Your signature/name/username at the top. How the U.S. Military Is Using a New Special Attack Force to Kill Its ODIN development has stagnated due to funding constraints and the need to husband ALIS along as an interim solution through the transition. Our unity gives us hope that we will win the decisive final battle for our future. Photos released by the Pentagons own in-house multimedia outlet, Defense Visual Information Distribution Service, show some of the F-35Cs aboard the USS Carl Vinson covered in what appears to be rust while on deployment in the Pacific. The removal of the Act of 1871 reverses & cancels everything. The program office plans to roll out additional kits this summer, which will save money by being able to host multiple squadrons on a single unit, Fick said. If you wish to write and/or publish an article on Operation Disclosure all you need to do is send your entry to[]applying these following rules. Have a three to four page summary of what project(s) you are doing that includes your background and interests and how many jobs you are creating. DOT&E reports that the F-35 program still has 845 unresolved deficiencies with six still classified as Category I, or design flaws so serious that it may cause death, severe injury, or severe occupational illness; may cause loss or major damage to a weapon system; critically restricts the combat readiness capabilities of the using organization; or result in a production line stoppage., The 845 reported design flaws in this years report seem like a slight improvement over the 871 identified in last years report. The U.S. Navy recently installed the first Optical Dazzling Interdictor, Navy (ODIN), a laser weapon system that allows a ship to counter unmanned aerial systems. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset. The equipment portrayed in this WEG represents military systems, variants, and upgrades that U.S. forces may encounter now and in the foreseeable future. Pilots need to be able to fly the aircraft they would take into combat to get enough flight hours to develop and increase their skills. The subject of your email entry should be: Entry Post | (Title of your post) | Operation Disclosure, Must be in text format Proper Grammar No foul language Your signature/name/username at the top. The tables DOT&E did include in the public version of the report were also of less value because they were presented with vague labels and without detailed explanations. Designers validate the simulator by taking data gathered during real F-35 flights over test ranges. This is when Project Odin will be brought online along with the massive declassification and disclosure of incriminating proof of the cabal's many crimes, along with world changing knowledge and advanced technologies that have been kept from us by those in power through their corrupt abuses of classified secrecy. Cybersecurity testing completed in 2021 revealed a number of vulnerabilities that must be addressed to ensure secure ALIS, training systems, United States Reprogramming Lab (USRL), and air vehicle (AV) operations. The testing office is effectively reporting that there is no aspect of the F-35 program protected against a cyberattack. Defense Innovation Unit seeks to convert CO2 into jet fuel, ChatGPT can make short work of Pentagon tasks, Air Force CIO says, Air Force advisers study use of satellites for tracking moving targets, European firms line up behind push for secure SATCOM standard, US Cyber Command developing own intelligence hub, Tax scams How to report them Money Minute, Capitol Hill weighs action on two controversial topics: medical marijuana and abortion, Lockheed wins hypersonics contract | Defense Dollars, Go inside a secret nuclear fallout bunker sealed for decades, Germanys military Zeitenwende is off to a slow start, Meloni visits India, UAE to patch up old defense kerfuffles, Pentagon orders engine vibration fix for entire F-35 fleet worldwide. For an aircraft fleet, 65% is a low bar since 75% to 80% is the accepted standard for other programs. Opportunities - DARPA *In 12-16 April 2021 the Special Op forces began blowing up and flooding the DUMBS beneath Capitol Hill with the Potomac River. *OnTues. 23 March 2021 the Alliance ran an Evergreen Corp. ship into a bank of the Suez Canal. From Sat. But because of a 42 percent cut to ODIN's development and testing funding in fiscal year 2021, the program office has decided to take a "strategic pause" in ODIN's software development . While the F-35 program experienced a few marginal improvements in some reliability categories, the overall trend shows that the fleets performance remains below the Defense Departments standards and is even getting worse in some categories. An Interim Military US Government had taken over Washington DC and was running our country.